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Text Link Ads

开发者 tlaplugins
更新时间 2017年1月20日 23:49
PHP版本: 2.0.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.1


ads text link ads


4.0.0 3.4.7 3.4.8 3.4.9 3.5.0 3.5.1 3.9.10 3.9.12 3.9.13 3.9.7 3.9.8 3.4.6


Features Join over 40,000 publishers monetizing their sites. Connect with our large and growing client base while maintaining editorial control over ads placed on your site. Get paid instantly on the 1st of each month with no fees or hassles. This plugin requires a valid and approved site key. You must signup and submit your blog to Text link Ads


To install a plugin, please follow the list of instructions below.
  1. Upload the plugin to the "wp-content/plugins" folder in your WordPress directory.
  2. Activate the Plugin:
  3. Access the Plugin Panel in your Admin Panel.
  4. Scroll down through the list of Plugins to find the newly installed Plugin.
  5. Click on the Activate link to turn the Plugin on.
  6. If you downloaded the plugin from as a logged in publisher you are all set, otherwise you will need to:
  7. Go to and submit your site to receive a site key.
  8. Once you have the site key you can enter it from the Settings -> Text Link Ads and click Save.
  9. You will receive notification once your site has been accepted or denied from the marketplace. From there all you need to do is wait for ads to start rolling in.


4.0.0 3.9.8 3.9.7 3.5.1 3.5.0 3.4.9 3.4.8 3.4.7 3.4.6 3.4.5 3.4.1