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Text Modules

开发者 ipm-frommen
更新时间 2015年8月20日 08:32
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


post posts custom post type text module modules



Use the new Text Modules custom post type and display a text module by either shortcode or widget. Have you ever wanted to use some pieces of text information more than once? For instance, contact information such as a postal address? Or some slogan, motto or claim? This is exactly when Text Modules kicks in. Usage This plugin registers a simple post type for text modules. A text module can be accessed either via shortcode (by means of the text module's ID or slug) or via a new Tex Modules widget. Filters In order to customize certain aspects of the plugin, it provides you with several filters. For each of these, a short description as well as a code example on how to alter the default behavior is given below. Just put the according code snippet in your theme's functions.php file or your customization plugin, or to some other appropriate place. text_modules_after_widget_content This filter lets you alter the HTML after the widget content. ` /** return ''; } ); **text_modules_before_widget_content`** This filter lets you alter the HTML before the widget content. ` /** return ''; } ); **text_modules_post_type`** Yes, you can alter the post type (slug). ` /** return 'exotic_stuff'; } ); **text_modules_post_type_args`** If you want to alter a specific post type argument but you can't find a fitting filter, there's text_modules_post_type_args, which provides you with the complete args array. ` /** // Use hierarchical external content $args[ 'hierarchical' ] = TRUE; return $args; } ); **text_modules_post_type_description`** The post type description can be customized by using the text_modules_post_type_description filter. ` /** // Provide a description return 'Simple post type for text modules.'; } ); **text_modules_post_type_labels`** In case you don't like the labels, easily adapt them to your liking. ` /** // A little more horror, please... $labels[ 'not_found' ] = 'ZOMG, no text module found!!1!!1!!oneone!!!1!eleven!1!'; return $labels; } ); **text_modules_post_type_supports`** This filter provides you with the post type supports. ` /** // Let's add revisions for our post type if ( ! in_array( 'revisions', $supports ) ) { $supports[] = 'revisions'; } return $supports; } ); **text_modules_shortcode_apply_do_shortcode`** By default, do_shortcode() will be called on the shortcode output. Of course, you can change that. ` /** In case you would like to adapt how the shortcode data is handled, you can provide your own shortcode callback. This can either be a string holding the function name, or an array with either a class name or an object, and the according method. ` /** return 'my_text_modules_shortcode_callback'; } ); **text_modules_shortcode_id_attribute_name`** This filter lets you alter the shortcode's 'id' attribute name. ` /** return 'post_id'; } ); **text_modules_shortcode_output`** This filter lets you alter the shortcode output. The second parameter holds the shortcode attributes array. ` /** return $output . ' Over and out.'; } ); **text_modules_shortcode_query_args`** Also, there's text_modules_shortcode_query_args, which provides you with the complete args array for the shortcode's query. ` /** // Exclude some text modules by ID $args[ 'post__not_in' ] = array( 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ); return $args; } ); **text_modules_shortcode_slug_attribute_name`** This filter lets you alter the shortcode's 'slug' attribute name. ` /** return 'post_slug'; } ); **text_modules_shortcode_tag`** This filter lets you alter the shortcode's tag. ` /** return 'text_block'; } ); **text_modules_shortcode_use_slug`** By default, text modules are being queried by their post ID first. Of course, you can change that and use the post slug instead. ` /** Also, there's text_modules_widget_form_query_args, which provides you with the complete args array for the widget form's query. ` /** // Exclude some text modules by ID $args[ 'post__not_in' ] = array( 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ); return $args; } ); ` Contribution To contribute to this plugin, please see its GitHub repository. If you have a feature request, or if you have developed the feature already, please feel free to use the Issues and/or Pull Requests section. Of course, you can also provide me with translations if you would like to use the plugin in another not yet included language.


This plugin requires PHP 5.3.
  1. Upload the text-modules folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your web server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Find the new Text Modules menu in your WordPress backend.


  • **List table** - Here you can see all text modules together with their individual slug and shortcode.
  • **Meta box** - Here you can see the currently edited text module's shortcode.
  • **Widget** - Use any text module in a Text Module widget.


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