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Converter/Exporter for web pages to PDF, Kindle and Epub — TextFilter WordPress Plugin

开发者 bookbinder
更新时间 2019年1月14日 07:36
PHP版本: 3.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.0.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


widget email javascript button pdf print js ebook kindle e-book epub mobi


0.3 0.4 0.5


View, Download, Print, Email TextFilter removes extraneous elements (like sidebars and ads) leaving behind readable text that can be converted into a pdf, ePub or mobi/Kindle file that can be downloaded, emailed, and/or printed. A button can be automatically or manually inserted on your pages/posts. Clicking the button reveals a modal for selecting options (file format, number of columns, etc.).


  1. Upload and install the plugin
  2. Visit the settings page (options -> TextFilter) and configure accordindly.
  3. You can also place the button using the shortcode "[textfilter]" or PHP function "textfilter_button()".


  • Modal/Widget window.
  • The settings page.


What this plugin for?

Display a button that allows your users to download and/or email your web content (PDF, ePub, mobi/Kindle).

What is TextFilter?

TextFilter is a free, online service for making web pages more readable and transportable. In additon to our WordPress plugin, we also have browswer extensions and a bookmarklet that make it easy to convert web pages into ebooks while surfing the web. Visit to learn more.


0.3 (6 Jan 2019) 0.2 (29 Dec 2018) 0.11 (30 May 2017) 0.1 (30 May 2017)