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TeYlos Pricing Table Woocommerce

开发者 tperezdevelopment
更新时间 2018年1月21日 07:25
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv2 or later


woocommerce table variations products pricing TeYlos



TeYlos Pricing Table Woocommerce lets you select the woocommerce product you want to sell as a subscription or membership plan TeYlos Pricing Table Woocommerce is a plugin that allows woocommerce products to be displayed in the frontend as pricing table. This plugin is directly connected to the woocommerce product, there is no pricing plugin for variable products with different options. This allows directly selecting the product to be sold.


Upload the TeYlos Pricing Table Woocommerce plugin to your blog, Activate it and Done!