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th23 Social

开发者 th23
更新时间 2020年5月15日 17:14
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6.32 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2
版权: GPLv2 only
版权网址: 版权信息


Gutenberg social sharing facebook share twitter counter pinterest follow buttons linkedin count shares following xing follower


0.1.3 0.2.0 1.0.0


Provide your users the option to follow you on selected social networks and enable them to share your posts / pages. But keep as much control about your and your users data as possible, ie until they really decide to go to the social network pages. th23 Social offers you various options to show social sharing buttons: Out-of-the-box supported social networks: Strictly no loading of external scripts or resources - making a GDPR (DSGVO) compliant usage easier. Option to define a dedicated image to share with services accepting image parameter upon sharing eg Pinterest. Offers selective (manual) cropping of images via integration with Crop Thumbnails plugin (needs to be installed separately). Basic styling included with plugin, highly adaptatable to fit locally used theme (see FAQ below for Genericon symbols). Flexible and extendable via hooks / filters, allowing for integration with other plugins eg th23 Subscribe (to be published soon). In case you want to see the plugin in action, feel free to visit the authors website.


To install th23 Social follow these easy steps:
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/th23-social directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in the WordPress admin area
  3. Use the 'Settings' -> 'th23 Social' screen to configure the plugin
  4. Especially add your accounts for the social services and check which services should be available to your users for following or sharing
  5. To add the th23 Social widget to your sidebar or footer, go to 'Appearance' -> 'Widgets' in the WordPress admin area, drag the 'th23 Social' widget from 'Available Widgets' on the left to a selected 'Widget Area' on the right
  6. To define a social image for an entry or modify the share counts, go to the post / page edit screen and access the 'th23 Social' sidebar / metabox
That is it - your users will now have the option to follow you or share your content on various social services!


  • Auto-insert sharing bar after the content in posts
  • Follow (or share) widget, flexible claim
  • Showing follow bar every x entries in an overview page / archive
  • Easy to use Gutenberg blocks to share or follow
  • Admin area offering relevant settings next to entry edit page in sidebar / metabox
  • Extensive set of options, including extension of social services by user


v0.1.3 (first public release)
  • n/a


How to show social service icons?

To style the social buttons showing Genericon icons instead of first letter and service name, insert the following into your themes style CSS. Note: Requires Genericons font being available! Inserting manual updates into the theme CSS file might be needed again after theme updates! ` / th23 Social: Inserts in entries / .entry-content .th23-social { border-top: 2px dashed rgba(51,51,51,.3); margin-top: 3em; padding-top: 2em; } / th23 Social: General buttons / .th23-social .button { font-size: 1.2em; } / th23 Social: style th23 Subscribe button / .th23-social .th23-subscribe-button { color: #820000; } .th23-social .th23-subscribe-button:hover, .th23-social .th23-subscribe-button:focus, .th23-social .th23-subscribe-button:active { background-color: #820000; } / th23 Social: enable Genericons for services they exist for / .th23-social .f-button .button-letter, .th23-social .t-button .button-letter, .th23-social .l-button .button-letter, .th23-social .i-button .button-letter, .th23-social .p-button .button-letter, .th23-social .r-button .button-letter, .th23-social .th23-subscribe-button .button-letter { display: none; } .th23-social .f-button:before, .th23-social .t-button:before, .th23-social .l-button:before, .th23-social .i-button:before, .th23-social .p-button:before, .th23-social .r-button:before, .th23-social .th23-subscribe-button:before { -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; display: inline-block; font-family: "Genericons"; font-size: 100%; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: calc(1.8em - 2px); speak: none; text-align: center; text-decoration: inherit; text-transform: none; vertical-align: unset; } / th23 Social: Facebook / .th23-social .f-button:before { content: "\f204"; } / th23 Social: Twitter / .th23-social .t-button:before { content: "\f202"; } / th23 Social: LinkedIn / .th23-social .l-button:before { content: "\f207"; } / th23 Social: Xing - NOT existing in Genericons set / / th23 Social: Instagram / .th23-social .i-button:before { content: "\f215"; } / th23 Social: Pinterest / .th23-social .p-button:before { content: "\f209"; } / th23 Social: RSS / .th23-social .r-button:before { content: "\f413"; } / th23 Social: Subscribe / .th23-social .th23-subscribe-button:before { content: "\f410"; } / th23 Social: Follow widget / .th23-social .total-count { white-space: nowrap; } / th23 Social: Follow widget / .th23-social-widget .follow .total-count { display: block; } `

Why does the "by" profile link in Facebook not show up upon sharing?

There seem to be ongoing changes by Facebook on if and how they use these Open Graph tags. It currently looks like authors have to give permission to a publication or website (and the associated FB page) in order to be cited as author in the "byline" for shared content. To do so and have your profile linked you need to login to your Facebook profile, go to Settings (for your profile), and click "Linked Publications" (for a direct link once logged in click here). On this page you need to add your websites Facebook page as a "Linked Publication". For some details and further links see


v1.0.0 v0.2.0 v0.1.3 (first public release)