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The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block

开发者 brianhogg
更新时间 2025年2月28日 20:52
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


calendar shortcode event events the events calendar


3.0.0 2.5.2 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 1.6.1 1.7 2.8.5 2.0 2.0.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.4 2.5 1.8 2.2.1 2.5.1 1.2 1.4 2.5.3 1.7.3 1.10 1.4.1 2.5.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8.1 2.7.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 1.4.2 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.9 2.0.1 2.5.5 2.5.6 2.6.1 1.10.1 1.3 3.0.1


Get your events displayed in a customizable list wherever you need them, with The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block! This plugin fully integrates with The Events Calendar Plugin (free version) by StellarWP, formerly Modern Tribe. This plugin adds a shortcode, a WordPress block (Gutenberg editor), and now an Elementor widget for use with The Events Calendar WordPress Plugin. Display a list of your events by either adding a block in the new editor, or adding a shortcode to any post, page, or widget. Here’s a quick video showing you what you can do: [youtube]
If you need extra design and functionality, Get The Events Calendar Shortcode Pro! The Pro version offers seven designs, additional filtering options, and full control over how your events display. You get the same full integration with The Events Calendar, plus premium support, show multiple shortcodes on one page, a filter bar so users can find what events they want to see, and it works with any WordPress theme. Check out the Pro version today
Trusted by 20,000+ WordPress sites and a 4.6 star rating on, The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block is the solution you’ve been after :)


  1. Install The Events Calendar Shortcode Plugin from the repository or by uploading the-events-calendar-shortcode folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory. You must also install The Event Calendar Plugin by Modern Tribe and add your events to the calendar.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. If you don't already have The Events Calendar (the calendar you add your events to) you will be prompted to install it
You can then add The Events Calendar Block or [ecs-list-events] shortcode to the page or post you want to list events on. Full list of options available in the documentation.


  • Add a block in the page or post where you want your events to appear, and select the display options you want (new default WordPress editor or Gutenberg plugin)
  • Add a widget in Elementor to show your events in a page or post, and customize the display options you want
  • You can also add the shortcode where you want the list of events to appear on any WordPress post, page, or widget
  • Many settings you can use in the shortcode to change what details appear in the events listing


  • Improved Elementor compatibility
  • Additional help text
  • Adds a block for Elementor! Easily add your events to any page or post using the Elementor page builder.
  • Fixing the Order and Order By options not saving in the block
  • Optional opt-in tracking notice added
  • Fixing documentation page
  • Updated documentation link
  • Additional help meta box
  • Fixing un-ended link on help page
  • New getting started page
  • Improved help page design
  • Maintain the default content order when first creating the block
  • Ability to change the content order in the block via drag-and-drop
  • Updating the block interface with better dropdowns
  • Adding required file
  • Removing support for very old PHP versions
  • Ratings notice
  • Fix translations for "There are no upcoming events" and "View all events" since The Events Calendar 6.x
  • Fix warning message on the Widgets page
  • Fix saving the thumbnail settings when using the block
  • Reducing permission requirement for instructions page (Authors)
  • Fix broken settings page link
  • Fix for month="next" when near the end of a month
  • Initial workaround for styling issues for the block in the new full-site editor
  • Fixes missing categories in the block if many categories available on the site
  • Adding div when there are no events found, to avoid display issues on some themes
  • Updating block script dependencies
2.3.1 Adds link to full documentation


What are the shortcode and block options for customizing my events?

Here’s the full list of shortcode and block options you can use to customize how your events display:

  • Basic shortcode: [ecs-list-events]
  • cat - Show events from an event category [ecs-list-events cat='festival'] or specify multiple categories [ecs-list-events cat='festival, workshops']
  • limit - Total number of events to show. Default is 5. [ecs-list-events limit='3']
  • order - Order of the events to be shown. Value can be 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Default is 'ASC'. Order is based on event date. [ecs-list-events order='DESC']
  • date - To show or hide date. Value can be 'true' or 'false'. Default is true. [ecs-list-events eventdetails='false']
  • venue - To show or hide the venue. Value can be 'true' or 'false'. Default is false. [ecs-list-events venue='true']
  • excerpt - To show or hide the excerpt and set excerpt length. Default is false. [ecs-list-events excerpt='true'] //displays excerpt with length 100 excerpt='300' //displays excerpt with length 300
  • thumb - To show or hide thumbnail image. Default is false. [ecs-list-events thumb='true'] //displays post thumbnail in default thumbnail dimension from media settings.
  • thumbsize - Specify the size of the thumbnail. [ecs-list-events thumb='true' thumbsize='large']
  • thumbwidth / thumbheight - Customize the thumbnail size in pixels [ecs-list-events thumb='true' thumbwidth='150' thumbheight='150']
  • message - Message to show when there are no events. Defaults to 'There are no upcoming events at this time.'
  • viewall - Determines whether to show 'View all events' or not. Values can be 'true' or 'false'. Default to 'true' [ecs-list-events cat='festival' limit='3' order='DESC' viewall='false']
  • contentorder - Manage the order of content with commas. Default to title, thumbnail, excerpt, date, venue. [ecs-list-events cat='festival' limit='3' order='DESC' viewall='false' contentorder='title, thumbnail, excerpt, date, venue']
  • month - Show only specific month (in YYYY-MM format). Type 'current' for displaying current month only or 'next' for next month. [ecs-list-events cat='festival' month='2024-06']
  • past - Show Outdated Events. [ecs-list-events cat='festival' past='yes']
  • key - Hide events when the start date has passed [ecs-list-events cat='festival' key='start date']
  • orderby - Change the ordering to the end date [ecs-list-events orderby="enddate"]
With The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block Pro you also get the following options:
  • design - Shows improved design by default. Set to 'standard' for the regular one, 'compact' for a more compact listing, 'calendar' for a monthly calendar view, 'columns' to show a horizontal/columns/photo view, or 'grouped' to group events by day
  • filter bar - Allow the user to filter the events shown (ie. by category, state/province, country, venue, etc)
  • pagination - Allow the user to view additional pages of events
  • days - Specify how many days in the future, for example [ecs-list-events days="1"] for one day or [ecs-list-events days="7"] for one week
  • tag - Filter by one or more tags. Use commas when you want to filter by multiple tags.
  • id - Show a single event, useful for displaying details of the event on a blog post or page
  • location (city, state/province, country) - Display events by location. Use commas when you want to include events from multiple (ie. country='United States, Canada')
  • description - Use the full description instead of the excerpt of an event in the listing
  • raw_description - Avoid filtering any HTML (spacing, links, bullet points, etc) in the description
  • raw_excerpt - Avoid filtering any HTML (spacing, links, etc) in the excerpt
  • featured only - Show only events marked as "featured"
  • date - Show only events for a specific day [ecs-list-events date='2024-04-16']
  • year - Show only events for a specific year [ecs-list-events year='2024']
  • date range - Show only events between certain days [ecs-list-events fromdate='2024-05-31' todate='2024-06-15']
  • timeonly - To show just the start time of the event. [ecs-list-events timeonly='true']
  • offset - Skip a certain number of events from the beginning, useful for using multiple shortcodes on the same page (with ads in between) or splitting into columns
  • custom design - Create one or more of your own using shortcode variables or templates for use with the shortcode
  • hiderecurring - To only show the first instance of a recurring event, set to 'true'
Get The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block Pro

Can I use this plugin to list my events using the new WordPress 5.0 editor (Gutenberg)?

Yes! There is now a block to list your events anywhere in a page or post, just click "+" in the top-left and search for The Events Calendar Block (under Common).

How do I use this shortcode in a widget?

You can put the shortcode in a text widget.

Can I use this plugin to list my events using Elementor?

Yes! This plugin includes an Elementor Widget.

What are the classes for styling the list of events?

By default the plugin does not include styling. Events are listed in ul li tags with appropriate classes for styling with a bit of CSS.

  • ul class="ecs-event-list"
  • li class="ecs-event" and "ecs-featured-event" (if featured)
  • event title link is H4 class="entry-title summary"
  • date class is time
  • venue class is venue
  • span .ecs-all-events
  • p .ecs-excerpt
Want a better looking design without knowing any CSS? Check out The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block Pro

How do I include a list of events in a page template?

Put this in the template where you want the events list to display: <?php echo do_shortcode("[ecs-list-events]"); ?>

How do I include a monthly calendar view instead of a list?

The pro version of the plugin has the option to put design="calendar" in the shortcode (or pick Calendar as the design with the block) to show a calendar view of the events you want.


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