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开发者 dougal
更新时间 2016年2月18日 00:20
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.6.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.4.2


preview css admin testing themes presentation theme preview themepreview preview theme


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4


By default, the only way to see how a new theme looks on your site is to activate it, making it visible to everyone who visits. With this plugin, it is possible to view how a new theme looks without activating it.


  1. Upload the theme-preview folder and its contents to your wp-contents/plugins directory.
  2. Activate in the Plugins menu.
  3. Visit your site with a special parameter added to the URL
Add query variables preview_theme and/or preview_css to your query string. For example, if you have a theme named "My Theme", which is installed in your wp-content/themes/my-theme directory, add the theme's directory name to your URL like this: Sometimes, you create a new look for your site by just making new CSS, but you keep the existing PHP files intact. In that case, you con use the preview_css variable instead of preview_theme, or use them both together, like this:


1.4 2016-02-17 1.3 2015-08-26 1.2 2010-01-14