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Time Tracker

开发者 germanpearls
更新时间 2025年1月21日 02:57
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6.2
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


to do list time tracker time management freelancer tools billing hours


3.0.5 3.0.10 3.0.4 2.4.5 2.4.4 1.2.2 1.4.0 2.2.0 2.2.1 2.2.2 1.2.1 1.3.0 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4.0 2.4.2 2.4.3 1.0.0 2.2.3 2.3.0 2.3.3 3.0.2 2.4.6 2.4.7 3.0.3 2.4.1 3.0.6 1.1.0 1.1.1 3.0.7 3.0.11 3.0.12 3.0.13 3.0.8 3.0.9 3.1.0


Time Tracker enables you to manage your to do lists, time worked, billable time, recurring tasks, and projects. Track your clients, projects, tasks, time, and billing information on private pages of your own website. Don't worry about us looking at or seeling your data as you'll maintain your data within your own WordPress database. Requirements This plugin is an add-on and requires either Contact Form 7 or WP Forms plugin to work properly. One of these form plugins must be installed and activated before installing Time Tracker. Time Tracker is in no way affiliated with Contact Form 7 or WP Forms. Time Tracker Features Time Tracker is a freelancer's time management tool. It keeps track of: Time Tracker helps to:


Please Note: This plugin requires a form plugin to function properly. Contact Form 7 or WP Forms are currently supported prerequisites. One of these must be installed and activated prior to activating Time Tracker.
  1. Install and activate the Contact Form 7 or WP Forms plugin, if you don't have either already installed
  2. Install and activate the Time Tracker plugin
  3. Go to the Time Tracker Options menu page and add your business specific information, then save all changes
  4. To begin using your new task management system, open a browser and navigate to your website /time-tracker. (NOTE: You will need to be logged in as an admin for the time tracker pages to be accessible.)


  • Entering time for a given client and task, with ample room for work notes.
  • Open to do list ordered by target due date. Includes time worked and progress bars for tasks with time projections.
  • Easily view time that hasn't been invoiced yet. Time is sorted by billable party with quick links to each section.
  • Admin Section - Create your own work categories, client referral names, and billable parties.
  • Admin Options - Backup your time data or delete all your data at will.


1.3.0 New update includes bug fixes and improved styling. 1.2.2 New update includes fixes and improved styling. 1.2.1 New update includes fixes, improved features, and new features. 1.1.1 Upgrade to correct errors. 1.1 New features to streamline searches, misc improvements, and small bug fixes. 1.0 This is the first publicly available version of the plugin.


Where is my information stored?

All of the information you enter on a Time Tracker screen is stored in your WordPress database with your website host.

How can I backup my Time Tracker information?

To manually backup your Time Tracker data, go to the Time Tracker Tools page in your WordPress admin area and click the backup button. This will create a backup of your information and place it on your server. (The file will be dated and located in your user's directory in a folder named 'tt_logs'.) Your Time Tracker data will also be backed up anytime you backup your WordPress database (ie: with a backup plugin or backup automation built into your web host).

Will this work if I perform white label services or bill to third parties?

Yes, Time Tracker keeps track of time by both client (end user) and bill to company, helping you to bill appropriately.

I perform work under different business names, would Time Tracker work for me?

Yes, by using the bill to field for your different businesses, Time Tracker can help you track time for your different companies.

Can I sort work into different categories?

Yes, Time Tracker lets you define your own work categories in the options screen.

Does this take a lot of work to set up?

No, to set up Time Tracker simply install it and setup your options like work categories and bill to names. The activation process creates everything else necessary including screens, menus, work summary tables, etc.

What if I make a mistake when I enter a task, can I correct it?

Yes, the screens of Time Tracker display your information in tables where you can easily edit information. For more control, use the Edit buttons found on various screens. All items can also be deleted from the user interface.

Can I use Time Tracker on a multi-site installation?

Time Tracker hasn't yet been tested on a multi-site application.

WordPress is installed in a subfolder / subdirectory, will Time Tracker still work?

Recent updates have improved the capability of this plugin to work in a subfolder/subdirectory installation. We welcome you to test it in your installation and provide detailed feedback if you find features that don't work so we can work to improve this capability.


= 3.1.0 - New Feature: New pages for easier editing of task and time entries Fix: Resolve issue where client categories were showing in sub-categories section in option page 3.0.14 New Feature: Added Time Tracker links to admin header bar on front end 3.0.13 New Feature: Add button on client table to view all tasks for the client New Feature: Added Time Tracker links to admin header bar Improvement: Adjust display of client on front end to allow user to change client for a task via dropdown Improvement: Adjust display of project on front end to allow user to change project for a task via dropdown Improvement: Adjust time display to view Invoice details more compact Improvement: Consolidate table field definitions into class for consistency and brevity. Improvement: Moved sidebar menu to top menu Improvement: Clean up Time Tracker menu (sidebar and top menu) Improvement: QuickBooks export - New button on Pending Time screen exports time not yet billed into a QuickBooks import file (.IIF) for faster invoice creation Improvement: Updated project listing to display projects with statuses not in predefined list as 'other' status Improvement: Misc code cleanup Fix: Removed deprecated php input filter Fix: Update database to null if empty string passed 3.0.12 Fix: Fix fatal activation error related to admin notice looking for option before it was set Fix: Include form subclass dependency in deletor class to fix fatal deletion error Fix: Replaced obsolete? functions causing fatal activation error 3.0.11 Improvement: Modified installation / activation functions to streamline and avoid potential problems 3.0.10 Improvement: Delete TT pages on plugin deactivation / Create brand new pages on re-activation Improvement: Changed method for getting user settings to avoid errors when missing or not yet created Fix: Added notice and prevented plugin activation on block themes as block header/footer required and not yet established in code Fix: Fix error related to deprecated wp function 3.0.9 Fix: Fix 404 error on sites with non-standard homepage urls 3.0.8 3.0.7 3.0.6 3.0.5 3.0.4 3.0.3 3.0.2 2.4.7 2.4.6 2.4.5 2.4.4 2.4.3 2.4.2 2.4.1 2.4.0 2.3.3 2.3.2 2.3.0 2.2.3 2.2.2 2.2.1 2.2.0 2.1.0 2.0.0 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.0 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0.0