in such a way that tablets are excluded from being detected as mobile!
If you don't understand the above one-liner, here is some explanation...
If we serve different (cached) content for mobiles and desktops, iPads (and other tablets) are usually served with mobile version of the site. That means, iPad users see only the mobile version of the site. If you are in doubt, check your site now! There is nothing wrong with your iPad (or any other tablet). It is due to how WordPress treats iPads and other tablets. Currently, in WordPress, iPads (and other tablets) are considered as mobile! One day (in the future), tablets may be considered as desktops by WordPress internals. Until then, by using / activating this plugin, tablets are served with desktop version of the site.
If your site doesn't serve different content for mobiles and desktops, please ignore this plugin. This plugin does nothing in that case.
About Mobile Detect PHP Library:
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.This plugin doesn't come with any settings screen on purpose. Settings screen may be included in the future, depending on the feedback from the users!
Yes, this plugin is actively maintained to make sure that the core Mobile Detect PHP library is updated as and when there is an update in it. Otherwise, this plugin is in maintenance-only mode. No new features are planned in the near future.
Any new feature is unlikely to be added to this plugin. This plugin was created to patch the built-in WordPress function wp_is_mobile()
to incorporate a missing feature, functionality or a bug. I expect that WordPress core would fix it at some point in the future. When it does include a fix, this plugin would be retired. When this plugin retires, I don't want anyone to miss the feature/s that this plugin may have. So, I encourage everyone to create a standalone plugin or an add-on plugin, if a feature is missing from this plugin.