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TK SmugMug Slideshow Shortcode

开发者 cliffpaulick
更新时间 2020年12月22日 04:15
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1
版权: GPL version 3 or any later version
版权网址: 版权信息


responsive slideshow carousel adopt-me SmugMug


1.0 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7


+-+-+-+ No longer maintained. Information is likely outdated and plugin may not work. +-+-+-+ Making it easy to embed a SmugMug slideshow (iframe, not Flash) Integrates with Shortcake (Shortcode UI) so building shortcodes (even ones with complex options) is super easy! Highlights Complementary Items These items may come in handy for using TK SmugMug Slideshow Shortcode: (may contain affiliate links) 鸣谢 Special thanks to the Shortcake (Shortcode UI) and TGM Plugin Activation developers/contributors. FYI: This is a third-party plugin, not officially from the SmugMug company. Support Me


After automatically installing to wp-content/plugins/:
  1. Install the Shortcake (Shortcode UI) plugin (you'll be prompted to do so if it's not already installed and activated). It's optional but highly recommended.
  2. Just use the shortcode in any Visual Editor (e.g. Post/Page edit screens). With Shortcake (Shortcode UI) plugin activated you'll be able to click "Add Media" then "Insert Post Element" then select one of the shortcodes to customize. If you are using the WordPress 5.0 Block Editor (a.k.a. Gutenberg), you will have to be within a "Classic" block to use Shortcake's interface.


  • Plugin GUI - Shortcode Generator (with Shortcake active)
  • Shortcode vs SmugMug slideshow generators
  • Classic Editor preview
  • Classic Editor preview with Edit-Delete buttons


Changelog DIFFs for all versions are available at WordPress SVN. Version 1.7 Version 1.6 Version 1.5 Version 1.4 Version 1.3 Version 1.2 Version 1.1 Version 1.0