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Toocheke Companion

开发者 toocheke
更新时间 2025年1月28日 06:39
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


comic webcomic cartoon webtoon


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Toocheke Companion Website: Toocheke Companion Looking to publish your comics on your WordPress website? Toocheke Companion adds to your WordPress theme, the ability to create and manage your comic posts. You can now add the ability to diplay comics to almost any WordPress theme. Works best with the Toocheke WordPress theme. Features


Displaying Comics Posts on Any Theme Toocheke Companion comes with built in features that can transform just about any WordPress theme into a webcomic publishing platform. All that is required is creating a page and adding your choice of comic related shortcodes. The following is a list features available with their corresponding shortcodes. [toocheke-all-series comics_order="ASC/DESC" link_to="series/comic"] [toocheke-all-chapters sid="####"] [toocheke-latest-chapters sid="####"] [toocheke-first-comic] [toocheke-first-comic sid="####"] [toocheke-latest-comic] [toocheke-latest-comic sid="####"] [toocheke-latest-comics] [toocheke-latest-comics sid="####"] [toocheke-latest-comics limit="####"] [toocheke-top-ten-comics] [toocheke-scheduled-comics] [toocheke-comic-archive] [toocheke-comic-archive sid="####"] [toocheke-characters] [toocheke-collection-archive term="collection-slug"] [toocheke-chapter-archive term="chapter-slug"] [toocheke-tag-archive term="comic-tag-slug"] [toocheke-location-archive term="location-slug"] [toocheke-character-archive term="character-slug"]


The comic permalinks are not working. how do I get them to work?

Go to your settings -> permalinks and just click save, this will flush out your old permalinks settings.

Where can I get help with Toocheke Companion?


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