Toocheke Companion Website:
Toocheke Companion
Looking to publish your comics on your WordPress website? Toocheke Companion adds to your WordPress theme, the ability to create and manage your comic posts. You can now add the ability to diplay comics to almost any WordPress theme. Works best with the Toocheke WordPress theme.
- Ability to display comics posts in any theme.
- Easy customization with a variety of color schemes.
- Different layout options for the comic page on desktops and other larger devices.
- Mobile device-friendly(responsive) page layout
- Responsive comic(display one version of the comic for desktops and another version for mobile devices)
- Optimized for the webtoon/vertical scroll format comics
- Thumbnail navigation of the comic archive
- Segment your comics into chapters
- Add character and location tags for each of your comics
- Social share buttons
- Publish multiple comic series
- Age verification for NSFW comics.
- Four comic archive layout options(Thumnail list, Text list, Calendar & Gallery)
- Customizable comic navigation buttons.
- Chapter navigation.
- Supports like functionality for comics.
- Supports bookmarking of comics.
- Supports tracking of post views with a top ten feature.
- Supports bilingual comics.
- Can show comic archive as an infinite scroll(lazy load).
- In your admin panel, go to the Plugins > Add New page.
- Just do a search for Toocheke Companion and the first result should be the one you're looking for.
- Click Install Now.
- Click Activate to use your new plugin right away.
Displaying Comics Posts on Any Theme
Toocheke Companion comes with built in features that can transform just about any WordPress theme into a webcomic publishing platform. All that is required is creating a page and adding your choice of comic related shortcodes. The following is a list features available with their corresponding shortcodes.
- Display a list of the comic "Series" in a grid layout with thumbnail images.
- Display a list of the comic "Chapters" in a grid layout with thumbnail images.
- Display a list of the latest six "Chapters" in a grid layout with thumbnail images.
- Display the first comic post with comic navigation buttons.
- Display the latest comic post with comic navigation buttons.
- Display a list of the latest comics with pagination.
- Display a list of top ten comics.
- Display a list of upcoming scheduled comics.
- Display a comic archive in a variety of formats(text list, thumbnail list, thumbnail gallery and calendar).
- Display the comic's characters.
[toocheke-all-series comics_order="ASC/DESC" link_to="series/comic"]
[toocheke-all-chapters sid="####"]
[toocheke-latest-chapters sid="####"]
[toocheke-first-comic sid="####"]
[toocheke-latest-comic sid="####"]
[toocheke-latest-comics sid="####"]
[toocheke-latest-comics limit="####"]
[toocheke-comic-archive sid="####"]
[toocheke-collection-archive term="collection-slug"]
[toocheke-chapter-archive term="chapter-slug"]
[toocheke-tag-archive term="comic-tag-slug"]
[toocheke-location-archive term="location-slug"]
[toocheke-character-archive term="character-slug"]