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Top Bar Notification & Sticky Banners

开发者 wpcentrics
更新时间 2025年2月12日 20:39
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GNU General Public License v3.0
版权网址: 版权信息


notification topbar top bar sticky banners




Add sticky top and bottom bars with multiple banners Top Bar Notification & Sticky Banners is the most flexible and configurable, yet simple, plugin for displaying bars at the top or bottom of your site. Easily add promotions, announcements, messages, or banners to your site for your visitors. Compatible with most themes, it includes 7 different sticky methods. Add image banners, announcements, and messages. Easily create your own styles with its built-in style editor using your own fonts.


Install as any other plugin. Out of the box, some demo styles and banners has been added, but only logged-in admins can see it by now. In the admin menu, you'll get a new option: "Top Bar NSB". Edit styles and banners, or delete it or add a new ones. Go to front-end to see the result. Go to settings in Top Bar NSB > Settings Adjust the dismiss bar options, sticky modes etc. Then switch from Demo mode on to off (everyone can see now your top/bottom bars)


  • Live Banner Edition WYSIWYG
  • Live style Edition WYSIWYG
  • Settings: Main options
  • Settings: Top Bar Options (same for bottom bar)
  • Settings: Auto-detected fonts
  • Settings: Advanced settings


Nothing for now


Distinct banners or notifications per page?

By now, all your whole website will show the same banners.

Can't see my banners

  1. Check if you have dismissed your banners. Go to any plugin admin page (Top Bar NSB) and look for a message like that in the the top of the page: "You have clicked to hide the banners. To show them again, click here: [Show again]
  2. Check if you are in demo mode: in this case, you'll see the banners logged as admin only. Disable demo mode in Top Bar NSB > Settings
  3. Check if you haven't any banners or, if all banners are disabled: go to Top Bar NSB > All the banners, edit some banner and enable the "Active banner" option.

How to make it dismissible

Go to Top Bar NSB > Settings and look for the option "Global dismiss button". Each banner can't have its own dismiss, but each bar can have his own (top & bottom bars)

Strange effects with my theme's sticky header

Go to settings at try another "Try to move down the top-fixed theme header" setting option. You can also try to adjust times in the "advanced settings section"

Add banners as image / responsive banners

You can add images as banner content: upload through the media library as usual and place it in the banner editor. You can set two images, one per desktop and one per mobile, using our shortcodes: [topbarnsb-desktop] (your desktop image or your content) [/topbarnsb-desktop] [topbarnsb-mobile] (your mobile image or your content) [/topbarnsb-mobile]

Use my own theme fonts

The available fonts in your website front-end are automatically detected. If you ever switch your theme, remove or install new fonts, go to Top Bar NSB > Settings > Fonts and click on "Autodetect site fonts again". If it can't detect your fonts, you can add it manually in the below section.

My fonts fails on style editor / banner editor preview

We don't load your fonts in admin side. If you want to do it for better preview, go to Top Bar NSB > Settings > Fonts, find your font, click on "Force load font in admin" and add manually your font URL.


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