Linux 软件免费装

Plugin Name

开发者 gharmer
更新时间 2011年12月3日 05:46
PHP版本: 2.8.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2.1


star wars: the old republic torhead r2-db



If you want to enable Torhead and R2-DB tooltips on your site without editing files, this addon takes care of it all for you. Simply enable the plugin on your blog and any compatible link should work. For more information on how to use tooltips for these sites, please checkout the following information: If you encounter a bug or have a development request then please let me know. You can reach me as follows: Enjoy! Based on the Powered by Wowhead plugin by


  1. Upload torhead-powered to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Done!


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