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Totem Press Page

更新时间 2013年2月7日 04:47
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5
版权: Apache 2.0
版权网址: 版权信息


press page totem




This plugin makes it easy to embed a Totem press page into your Wordpress website.


Here's all you need to do to get a Totem Press Page on your Wordpress website:
  1. Sign up for Totem and create your first press page.
  2. Upgrade your Press Page and visit the Goodies tab.
  3. Copy the shortcode for your press page (e.g. [totem id="42"])
  4. Upload totem-press-page to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  5. Activate the Totem Press Page plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  6. Create a new page on your Wordpress blog to act as your press page. Paste your shortcode into the page content and save the page.
For the best results, we recommend selecting a full-width template and turning off comments for the page you embed Totem on.


0.3 Make changes to appease Wordpress, including (unfortunately) not using CDN-hosted, concatenated, minified JavaScript resources, despite best-practice recommendations otherwise. 0.2