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Tournament Bracket Generator

开发者 blakelong
更新时间 2017年1月21日 04:48
PHP版本: 4.6.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later


plugin shortcode generator event sport sports football tournament world cup soccer bracket basketball playoffs superbowl



详情介绍: Tournament Bracket Generator provides an easy way to create a stunning bracket for any sport or event. Tournament Bracket Generator creates the bracket based on 4 setting fields in the settings page. The bracket is generated from the admin dashboard and then placed on any page using the [bracket] shortcode. Features Coming in future updates


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Through the admin dashboard navigate to personalize/Tournament Bracket Generator
  4. Once at the Tournament Bracket Generator settings page fill out the necessary fields for your desired bracket
  5. After saving the settings for your bracket navigate to the "Bracket Preview" tab to view your bracket and advance teams
  6. When you have completed your bracket you can place it on any page by using the [bracket] shortcode


  • Shows the settings page for Tournament Bracket Generator
  • Shows a preview of the bracket generated for configuration
  • Shows the next round of the bracket generated for configuration
  • Shows the shortcode for Tournament Bracket Generator
  • Shows the bracket on a webpage
  • Shows a non completed bracket on a webpage


Where is the settings page for Tournament Bracket generator located?

The settings page is located under appearance/Tournament Bracket Generator

I created a bracket, how do I put it on a page?

To place the bracket on a page use the shortcode [bracket]. See Other Notes or the readme.txt for more information on the shortcode and its accepted attributes.

How many teams/items can I have in my bracket?

Tournament Bracket Generator only excepts teams/items in numbers of 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

I applied the counter option to my bracket but letters are showing in the boxes instead of numbers

That error is encountered when the counter option is added to a bracket that has already been saved. Clear the bracket to have the counter appear as expected.


Version 1.0.0