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TP Media Remoter

开发者 themespond
更新时间 2018年5月18日 11:14
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


imgur external library image remote media remote imgdrive media remoter


1.0.0 1.0.1


Apart from fascinating content, there are many other elements that decide the attraction of a post. A website surely will become monotonous without images. A catchy image will increase the interaction between content and readers, driving more traffic to your website. As some statistics, content with relevant images will earn more 94% views, and colorful ones can raise reader’s willingness by 80%.\ However, tons of media uploaded to your site may waste a huge storage on server. Thus, TP Media Remoter has been released to address this issue. With TP Media Remoter, you can import files from third-party services, not affecting the storage of your hosting. Why TP Media Remoter ?
  1. 100% FREE TP Media Remoter. Now you can insert the media to your pages via the external library ( without any fee.
  2. Save on hosting. This plugin offers you a wide free space for other worth content on your site.
  3. Speed up page load. A bulk of media can cripple the page load time. But, TP Media Remoter, without wasting hosting storage, the load time of your pages will be always on highly optimizing status. This is one of the key features that attract your site visitors.
  4. Imgur support. TP Media Remoter allows you to access to your favorite content from Imgur directly into the media library. It’s possible to search and insert remote media into your posts and pages.
  5. Variety of image size options. You can still change the image size directly on your WordPress admin panel, although your image is stored in the third-party service.
  6. Convenient sharing. You can easily share media across multiple WordPress sites.
  7. Full support. 24/7/365 support from the best WordPress support team to ensure the best operation of your site.


  1. Simply install as a normal WordPress plugin and activate.
  2. Go to Settings/TP Media Remoter screen in Dashbroad
  3. Get an free product key via email
  4. Go to any posts or pages to upload and insert image to Editor, set image to Feature Image


  • TP Media Remoter Library
  • Upload an image
  • Register a free product key
  • Your product key is activated


  • Initial version


Does this plugin change the default WordPress API?

No, TP Media Remoter uses and extends the default WordPress methods and does not replace anything.


1.0.1 (May 12, 2018) : 1.0.0 (September 11, 2017):