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Track That Stat

开发者 Gohard
更新时间 2012年11月27日 14:08
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.4.2


post google posts plugin links page comments tracking seo statistics admin images stats visitors analytics traffic geolocation


1.0.9 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.5 1.0.6 1.0.7 1.0.8


Visit Official Site Track That Stat Track That Stat is a new wordpress plugin that allows you to gather all real time traffic data that is sent to your site. It has a user friendly interface that has multiple options for you to check all of your data in detail. The main purpose of this plugin is to see who is coming to your site and what they are doing as well as being able to have all of your statistics on one place. Main Features And much more Requirements Upcoming Features (As of: 11/26/12)


  1. Simply log into your self hosted wordpress blog.
  2. Navigate to "Plugins".
  3. Click on "Add New".
  4. Type in "Track That Stat" within the search box then click "Search Plugins".
  5. Locate "Track That Stat" then click on "Install Now".


Does Track That Stat slow down your blog like other wordpress tracking plugins?

The simple answer is no. Track That Stat was built to be fast and effcient.

How many resources/load does it use on a hosting server?

The plugin was written in order to avoid high loads on the server. Instead of triggering processes multiple times in one occurrence, then script will only trigger each process after 50 seconds. So this lowers the load on the server as well as CPU. Most scripts will trigger the server every 1-3 seconds. So this creates many processes on the server and it will cause you to get suspended for using up too many resources.

Any advantages over Google Analytics

Google analytics is a great tool and is very detailed. The only downside is that all of the information within google analytics is tracked by Google. Google sees all of your traffic, referring links etc. With this plugin, it is hosted on your self hosted WP installation. So you are the only one with access to that information. Some people may not want Google to know everything about the methods they are using to promote their sites. Another advantage is having all of your statistics in one place when you log into your blogs.

How can we be sure no data is sent out by the plugin? Do you guarantee you don't track customers blogs?

All of your data is stored internally on your server. I do not have any access to this information. I guarantee that I do not track anything on your blogs. Not only would that be unethical but I am pretty sure would not let me upload the plugin to their directory if this was the case.

How big this database become with a blog with 1k/uv mo?

The database size would depend on the actual data that is being collecting so there is no set number. If all of your traffic comes from referring sites, then it would be less than if your traffic came from both search engines and referring sites, which would include keywords data as well.

How can I exclude my self from being tracked from within Track That Stat?

Simply click on "Settings" within the plugin and enter in your IP address. This will exclude you from being counted. A later update will have the option to not include you at all while you are logged into wp-admin.

What is the difference between "Views" and "Visitors"?

The actual "Views" are considered page views. This is one person visiting multiple pages from one IP address. "Unique Visitors" counts one unique visitor from a single IP address.

Do you have a user guide?

For a brief overview of all the plugin you can watch this Video


1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2 1.1 1.0.9 1.0.8 1.0.7 1.0.6 1.0.5 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0