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Trashed By

开发者 coffee2code
更新时间 2021年7月21日 14:54
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post tracking coffee2code audit trash deleted


1.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.1 1.1.1 1.3 1.3.1 1.4


This plugin records which user actually trashed a post, which in a multi-author environment may not always be the original post author. This helps to maintain accountability for who was ultimately responsible for deleting a post. It also records when the post got trashed. The admin listing of trashed posts is amended with new "Trashed By" and "Trashed On" columns that shows the name of the person who trashed the post or page and the date the post was trashed, respectively. The plugin makes no assumption about who trashed a post, or when, for posts that were trashed prior to the use of this plugin (since the plugin could not have directly recorded information about the post's trashing). The "Trashed By" and "Trashed On" values for those posts will remain empty. Put another way, only posts or pages trashed while this plugin is active will have the user who trashed the post/page and that date recorded. Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage


  1. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or download and unzip inside the plugins directory for your site (typically wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' admin menu in WordPress


  • The admin post trash listing showing the added "Trashed By" and "Trashed On" columns.


1.4 Minor update: Reimplemented how plugin hooks into WordPress to handle a post being trashed or untrashed, restructured unit test files, noted compatibility through WP 5.7, updated copyright date (2021), and more minor changes. 1.3.1 Trivial update: Updated a few URLs to be HTTPS and noted compatibility through WP 5.4+. 1.3 Recommended minor update: improved meta key handling, added a lot more unit tests, added, added, noted compatibility through WP 5.3+, dropped compatibility with versions of WP older than 4.9, updated copyright date (2020), and more minor changes. 1.2 Minor update: modified initialization handling, escaped attribute prior to display (hardening), noted compatibility through WP 5.1+, updated copyright date (2019) 1.1.1 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 4.9+; added; added GitHub link to readme; updated copyright date (2018) 1.1 Minor feature update: linked usernames to profiles, referred to currenet user as "you", compatibility is now WP 4.6-4.7+, updated copyright date (2017), and more 1.0.4 Trivial update: improved support for localization, minor unit test tweaks, verified compatibility through WP 4.4+, and updated copyright date (2016) 1.0.3 Minor bugfix release for users running PHP 5.2.x: revert use of a constant only defined in PHP 5.3+. You really should upgrade your PHP or your host if this affects you. Also noted compatibility with WP 4.3+. 1.0.2 Trivial update: minor additions to unit tests; noted compatibility through WP 4.1+; updated copyright date (2015) 1.0.1 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 4.0+; added plugin icon. 1.0 Initial public release.


What if I am only interested in seeing when a post was trashed but not who trashed it?

The visibility of the "Trashed By" and "Trashed On" columns can be controlled by the "Screen Options" slide-down options panel available at the top right of the page when viewing the trash listing in the admin.

If a post is trashed, then restored, and then trashed a second time by a different person, who is noted as the trashing user?

The user most recently responsible for trashing a post will be recorded as the trashing user.

Why are the "Trashed By" and "Trashed On" columns blank for some posts in the trash?

This should only be the case for posts that were trashed prior to activating this plugin (or any time when the plugin wasn't active).

Does the plugin retain any information about a previously trashed post once it has been restored?

No. Once a trashed post is restored and thus removed from the trash, the information about when and who trashed the post is deleted.

Does this plugin track who permanently deleted a posted?

Just so everyone is clear, "Trashed" and "Permanently deleted" are two different things. Trashed posts get assigned a post status of "trash" and then only appear in the "Trash" list of the page/post area of the admin. These posts still exist, they're just hidden from public view. This operates like the trash feature in your operating system; you can still go into the trash to retrieve something before it is gone for good. As such, it is possible for the plugin to keep track of and report who trashed the post. Permanently deleted posts (whether done so directly by a user or automatically by WordPress for posts that have been in the trash for a period of time) are completely deleted from the database. This plugin does not track who deleted those posts.

How do I see (or hide) the "Trash By" and/or "Trashed On" columns in an admin listing of posts?

In the upper-right of the page is a "Screen Options" link that reveals a panel of options. In the "Columns" section, check (to show) or uncheck (to hide) the "Trashed By" and/or "Trashed On" options.

Does this plugin include unit tests?



1.4 (2021-07-18) Highlights: This minor release reimplements how the plugin hooks into WordPress to handle when a post is trashed or untrashed, restructures unit test files, notes compatibility through WP 5.7, and more. Details: 1.3.1 (2020-07-27) 1.3 (2020-03-17)