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开发者 jon
更新时间 2011年1月10日 00:45
PHP版本: 2.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.04


comments spam detect filter comment antispam



TrollGuard is a free WordPress plugin that protects your blog from spam comments. It learns to filter out spam from your training. After a short while it has adapted to your personal blog and will accurately detect incoming spam. TrollGuard is developed on top of uClassify which is a free web service for text classification.


  1. Please check that you are running WordPress 2.7 or higher. You can find the version number in the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Download the plugin .zip file.
  3. Install and activate the plugin (under the /wp-content/plugins/ directory)
  4. In WordPress Plugins, click on the TrollGuard Config link
  5. Enter the uClassify read and write keys, you get them for free by signing up at uClassify
  6. All setup done! As soon as you have trained it on 10 legitimate and 10 spam comments it will start to detect spam!
For more information with screenshot see