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tsParticles WP Block

开发者 Matteo Bruni
更新时间 2023年12月26日 19:19
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPL-2.0-or-later
版权网址: 版权信息


javascript block background animations particles fireworks confetti tsparticles particles js particle background animated background particlesjs


2.11.0 2.9.3 2.8.0 2.9.2 2.4.0 2.9.1 3.0.0 2.3.5 2.3.3 2.5.3 2.6.0 2.3.4 2.5.1 2.7.0 2.7.1


Official tsParticles WordPress Plugin Easily create highly customizable particle, confetti and fireworks animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for Web Components, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, React, Riot.js, Solid.js, Inferno. Official tsParticles website with options editor: Official Social Channels:


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-particles directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress


  • This screenshot shows the particles block in the editor.


Nothing to say


= 3.0.0 BREAKING CHANGES Major Changes Bug Fixes New Features = 2.11.0 Bug Fixes New Features Other Changes How do setLogger and getLogger functions work? If you want to customize the log of tsParticles you can call setLogger(logger) function, passing a ILogger object. The setLogger function prevents undefined properties assigning the default one. ts setLogger({ debug: console.debug, error: console.error, info:, log: console.log, verbose: console.log, warning: console.warn, }); This assigns all the log functions console functions, but you can use empty functions (() => {}) to disable every function. If there's a console.log left like in #3552, #3528 or #5003, you can disable the log property of the setLogger parameter to get rid of it, so you don't have to wait the next release. The getLogger function, returns the object set using setLogger, every plugin MUST use getLogger() for logging things, so mistakes can be fixed easily, even errors can be muted or redirected to your favorite logging platform. If you want to log something use this code: ts getLogger().log("tsParticles is awesome"); = 2.10.0 New Features Bug Fixes Other Changes = 2.9.3 Bug Fixes = 2.9.2 Bug Fixes = 2.9.1 Bug Fixes = 2.9.0 New Features Minor Changes = 2.8.0 New Features Bug Fixes = 2.7.1 New features Other Changes 2.7.0 Bug Fixes New Features Circle Options In particle.shape now it's possible to set another option to the circle shape, angle. The new property accepts a number or a { min: number; max: number } object, when only number it's going to be { min: 0, max: <value> }. This creates partial circles starting from min to max, both values must be specified in degrees. If this value is ignored the default value is: { min: 0, max: 360 } (the full circle). Examples ... shape: { type: "circle", options: { circle: { angle: 180 } } } ... This examples creates horizontal half circles ... shape: { type: "circle", options: { circle: { angle: { min: 90, max: 270 } } } } ... This examples creates vertical half circles Density options The density options are changed a bit, instead of area/factor values, the width/height values are introduced and mapped respectively. The default values are changed to width 1920 and height 1080, so on a FullHD resolution on device pixel ratio 1 the particles number is the one specified in the options. Since width and height are multiplied together, they can be swapped and nothing changes. The formula for the density is: (canvasWidth * canvasHeight) / (densityWidth * densityHeight * devicePixelRatio^2) Notes on existing configurations Since many configs had a density.area value of 800, you'll see less particles, just a few less. If you have also a factor value, you won't notice any difference. When only area is set, if you want to keep the previous configuration, set factor to 1000. Since the default factor (height) value is 1080 now, the difference should be barely noticeable. 2.6.0 Bug Fixes New Features Other Changes 2.5.4 New Features 2.5.3 Bug Fixes 2.5.1 Bug Fixes 2.4.0 New Features Bug Fixes Other Changes 2.3.5 Bug Fixes 2.3.4 Bug Fixes Other Changes 2.3.3 Release 2.3.1 Release