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Twilio Simple Click Call

开发者 harshdeep
更新时间 2016年8月23日 13:10
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


voice call click to call voice call twilio click2call wordpress call Twilio twilio call click 2 call wordpress voice call simple call quick call twilio simple call



Twilio Simple Click Call enables your company to convert web traffic into direct communication over the phone, with just the click of a button. A simple form on your webpage allows you to enter phone number, and with the click of the “call” ,entered number will receive a call. HOW IT WORKS Let's go to the following steps necessary to implement Twilio Simple Click Call in your website: Features


  1. Download "Twilio Simple Click Call" plugin and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate "Twilio Simple Click Call" plugin through the Plugins menu.
  3. Go to "Twilio Simple Click Call" on the admin menu.
  4. Go to '' and get your API Credentials: AccountSID, AuthToken and Twilio number.
  5. Go to "Make Call" enter number to which you want to call,click the call button to make call.


  • Settings Page.
  • Calling Page.