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TypePad AntiSpam for WordPress

开发者 Six Apart
Brad Choate
更新时间 2008年6月12日 03:15
PHP版本: 2.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.5


comments spam typepad




TypePad AntiSpam is a powerful and effective way to block spam on your WordPress blog. The service is free to anyone who wants to use it for both personal and business use, regardless of how many comments you receive. The TypePad AntiSpam plugin for WordPress is derived from WP-Akismet by Matt Mullenweg. All subsequent modifications are copyright 2008, Six Apart Ltd.


  1. Download plugin and unzip.
  2. Upload the plugin file to your WordPress plugins directory inside of wp-content.
  3. Activate it from the plugins menu inside of WordPress.
  4. Enter your API key.