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TZM Responsive Block Controls

开发者 jakobwiens
更新时间 2025年2月15日 20:04
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


responsive mobile customization block controls responsivity


1.1.5 1.2.0 1.1.4 1.0.0 1.0.2 1.1.0 1.0.1 1.1.2 1.1.3


While the (Gutenberg) Block Editor has brought a lot of amazing and powerful tools to web design, it still falls short in one crucial aspect: Responsive controls


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/tzm-responsive-block-controls directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress


  • Preview responsive adjustments instantly (Desktop view)
  • Preview responsive adjustments instantly (Phone/Mobile view)


How does TZM Responsive Block Controls work behind the scenes?

TZM Responsive Block Controls applies responsive styles to your blocks using a combination of CSS classes and inline styles with CSS variables. CSS Classes: For features like hiding or reversing blocks, the plugin assigns CSS classes to the block's element. Examples include: .tzm-responsive__hidden__phone – Hides the block on phone-sized screens. .tzm-responsive__reverse__desktop – Reverses the block's flow direction on desktop screens. Inline Styles with CSS Variables: For features that require specific values, such as font size, padding, or margins, the plugin dynamically injects inline styles using CSS variables: --tzm-responsive--font-size--tablet – Controls the font size on tablet-sized screens. --tzm-responsive--padding-top--laptop – Adjusts the padding for laptop-sized screens. Note: This plugin relies on !important declarations to ensure styles are applied correctly. While the use of !important is typically discouraged, it is necessary in certain cases to achieve consistent, responsive behavior across devices. Please keep this in mind.

Does TZM Responsive Block Controls work with third-party blocks?

While it is primarily designed to target WordPress core blocks, most responsive features should also work with third-party blocks. However, third-party blocks may not always behave the same way as core blocks, which can lead to unexpected results or prevent the responsive controls from taking effect.

Can i define my own breakpoints?

Yes, you can easily customize the default breakpoints used by TZM Responsive Block Controls. Simply add the following code to your theme's functions.php file: function override_responsive_block_controls_breakpoints( $breakpoints ) { $breakpoints['phone'] = '781px'; $breakpoints['tablet'] = '1024px'; $breakpoints['laptop'] = '1366px'; return $breakpoints; } add_filter('tzm_responsive_block_controls_breakpoints', 'override_responsive_block_controls_breakpoints'); This will override the default breakpoints and allow you to use your own custom values.

I want to use my own CSS. How can I disable the default CSS styling?

If you prefer to use your own custom CSS for styling blocks, you can disable the plugin's default CSS output by adding this code to your theme's functions.php file: function enqueue_responsive_block_controls_css( $bool ) { return false; } add_filter('tzm_responsive_block_controls_output_css', 'enqueue_responsive_block_controls_css');

Can I prevent hidden blocks from being displayed entirely?

Yes, you can toggle the visibility of "hidden" blocks. To do so, open the main Options menu (the three dots menu in the top-right corner of the block editor) and enable or disable the "Display hidden blocks" option. When disabled, hidden blocks won’t appear in the editor preview but can still be selected via the List View. By default, this option is enabled to simplify editing.

Does it work with classic themes?

No, this plugin is designed specifically for use with the Block Editor and works only with block-based themes. It doesn’t support classic themes that use the older editor framework.

What happens if I uninstall the plugin?

When you uninstall TZM Responsive Block Controls, any responsive adjustments (e.g. hiding blocks, margin/padding) you have applied will no longer work. However, your content will remain intact, and the blocks will revert to their default styling and behavior across all devices.


1.2.0 1.1.0 1.0.0