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开发者 SPSoft
更新时间 2012年4月27日 16:56
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.3


ajax comments comment validation reply to comments email notify on reply




This plugin adds extra features to your wordpress comment system. Features include:


  1. Upload you-comment-features folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Visit the plugin options page and choose the features you want to use


Why the clone form options doesn't work?

The clone form option hacks on wordpress default "moveForm" function. If you are using some plugin, theme or custom function that will not use the default's comment_reply_link behaviour then the clone form option will not work. Try disabling any comment related plugins/custom functions.

I get javascript errors whenever i try to use the validation option

If you changed the default field names on your comment form, then the validation will not work. Please use this options only if you didn't change any of the default field names.

Can i use HTML in the default notification email?

Yes you can. The notification email will be sent in HTML format.

I Found a Bug or I want to make a feature request. What do I do?

Use the plugin's forum link on You can find the link on the plugin's page where you downloaded it.


1.0.2 Fixed a couple of bugs that generated PHP Notices. 1.0.1