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Web To Print Shop : uDraw

开发者 W2PShop
更新时间 2022年3月7日 21:28
PHP版本: 7.1.30 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.9
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce designer graphic design Web to Print W2P Shop uDraw


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The Web to Print Shop: uDraw plugin is browser based graphic designer. This HTML5 Designer comes built with a comprehensive online designer tools, which allows customers to create any template based products that can be later customized by end users. It integrates tightly with WooCommerce, allowing you to sell any print or promotional item. Templates can be left open or locked down with all layers of text and imagery exposed for reference and modification. The W2P Shop: uDRAW plug-in is developed by Racad Tech, Inc. Getting Started Video [youtube] Integrations Integrates with other W2P Solutions by Racad Tech such as: Features uDraw Demo Sites Check out the following product examples using our W2P SHOP - uDRAW Technology


Requires Plugin: WooCommerce
  1. Unzip and upload contents of the plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. 通过WordPress的“插件”菜单激活插件
  3. Start creating your first template by clicking 'W2P:uDraw->Add Template'.
Getting Started Video [youtube]


  • uDraw template management section.
  • uDraw designer while editing a business card template.
  • uDraw designer while editing a phone case.
  • T-Shirt template while accessing custom clipart storage.


Many bug fixes and general improvements. See readme.txt for more details. == Upgrade Notice == 3.3.3 This version fixes a security related bug. Upgrade immediately.


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