Linux 软件免费装

Landing Page

开发者 jeffbullins
更新时间 2019年10月12日 17:24
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


email list coming soon coming soon page squeeze page landing page contest landing page free landing page templates maintenance page giveaway page video landing page book landing page product landing page


1.1.26 1.1.27 1.1.28 1.1.29 1.1.30 1.1.31 1.1.32 1.1.33 1.1.34 1.1.35 1.1.36 1.1.37 1.1.38 1.1.39 1.1.40


Create a landing page or coming soon page in as little as 5 minutes without any programming or design skills. What you get when you use the Ultimate Landing Page and Coming Soon Page plugin Additional Features Ultimate Landing Page and Coming Soon Advanced contains Created for Marketers and Designers I created this plugin with marketers and designers in mind. It is easy to use whether you are building your own list or helping your clients build their list. This plugin will help you create landing pages and coming soon pages that will work for you. I use this plugin for all of my landing pages and coming soon pages. I guarantee it will work for you. Don't try to use post or other pages as a substitute for landing pages or coming soon page. Landing pages and coming soon pages are designed specifically to get a response from your visitors. They are designed to build your email list and make sales.S Coming Soon Pages Coming soon pages are best used for collecting emails while you are getting ready to showcase your new business. You should have a narrowly focused message on your coming soon page. You want to speak directly to your audience. Sometimes there can be a tendency to try and keep the message broad on a coming soon page. This is a mistake. When you drive the right traffic to your coming soon page and have the right message, you will get higher conversions. If you try to serve to many people with the message on your coming soon page, you will end up serving no one. You also want to make sure you include a sign-up form on your coming soon page. This is extremely important. You will spend a lot of time driving traffic to your coming soon page, but the reality is, many visitors will leave and never come back. This is not because they are all not interested. Rather, they will not return because they will forget about you. Your coming soon page is the prefect place to capture their email address and keep the conversation going. You will be able to remind them of your business periodiacally so that you stay fresh in their mind. Coming soon pages can also be used to quickly validate an idea. For instance, you believe that a book idea you have will sell well. Instead of writing the book, creating a full website, and marketing the book; you can start with a coming soon page and see what kind of responses you get. Or lets say you want to offer a new can quickly setup a coming soon page and share it with everyone you know. Collect emails on your landing pages with Aweber, Mailchimp, and other email list management software The Advanced version makes it easy for you to collect emails on your landing pages with Aweber, Mailchimp, or any other email list management software including GetResponse and Constant Contact. The Advanced plugin also gives you the ability to turn off the default form for any landing page. You can then add a custom form to your landing pages or you can leave the create a landing page without a form. Examples of landing pages without forms are sales pages and webinar pages. Video Landing Pages and Coming Soon Pages You can build video landing pages and coming soon pages with the Ultimate Landing Page and Coming Soon Page plugin. Putting a Video on a landing page or coming soon page is good for helping get your message accross clearly. The best way to build a video landing page or coming soon page is to host the video on a video hosting site like Then embed the video in your landing page or coming soon page. A coming soon page can help you start a conversation with visitors to your website before you have site completely ready. Giveaway (Contest) Landing Pages Build contest landing pages with the Ultimate Landing Page Advanced plugin. A great way to get new subscribers it to setup a giveaway and then make a landing page to send all of the interested traffic. Advertise the contest landing page on social media, your website, forums, and to your existing list. Give an extra incentive on the landing page for subscribers that refer traffic to the contest landing page. Once you choose the winner for the giveaway, you can email all the subscribers and run another giveaway. Sales Funnels No marketing plan is complete without a sales funnel. Ultimate Landing Page Advanced gives you the tools to create entire sales funnels. You can create an unlimited amount of landing pages. Each of your landing pages can be designed to meet the specific need you have in your sales funnel. Place your lead magnet offer on a squeeze page. Then create a landing page for your subscribers to download the offer. Next create landing pages to use as sales pages, webinars, upsells, downsells, etc... You can create simple 2 step funnels or super complex funnels with the landing page plugin. Custom css and javascript Sometimes you need to tweak your landing pages and coming soon page a little bit. With the Ultimate Landing Page and Coming Soon Page Advanced plugin you can add custom css and javascript to each landing page and coming soon page. If you need to add javascript, just drop your code into the custom code box and it will be added to your landing page or coming soon page.


  1. Upload ultimate-landing-page to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. 通过WordPress的“插件”菜单激活插件
  3. Visit Settings > Ultimate Landing Page to enable the ultimate landing page and set your options.


  • This is a landing page created in a few minutes using the Ultimate Landing Page Plugin


Do I have to know how to program or design?

No. The plugin uses a simple to edit form to collect your information and create the page.

Will the page work with my existing theme?

Yes, this is a plugin and will work with your existing theme.

Can I see what all the fonts look like that are used in the plugin?

See the fonts here

Can I really create a landing page or coming soon page in 5 minutes?

Yes, the plugin has been designed to make it easy for you to create coming soon or landing pages quickly.

Does the Pro Version allow me to turn off the default form?

Yes, you can turn off the default form in the Pro Version.

Does the Advanced version allow me to use Aweber, Mailchimp, or Custom forms?

Yes, you can add any form you like. In addition you can use Aweber and Mailchimp with the default form.

How many coming soon pages and landing pages can I make with the plugin?

You can make one coming soon page and one landing page with the free plugin you download from the Wordpress repository. You can make unlimited coming soon pages and landing pages with the Ultimate Landing Page Advanced Upgrade.

Can I put custom css on my landing pages and coming soon pages?

The Advanced version of the plugin has a box for placing custom css on your landing pages and coming soon pages.

Can I put javascript on my landing pages and coming soon pages?

You can put javascript on your landing pages and coming soon pages using the Advanced version.

What is the difference between a coming soon page and a landing page?

A landing page is page you create to send targeted traffic. A coming soon page is a landing page with a the specific purpose of announcing your product/website is coming soon.

Can I use shortcodes from other plugins in the coming soon page and landing page plugin?

Yes, you can use other shortcodes on the pages created with the coming soon page and landing page plugin.

Can I put Analytics on my landing pages?

The advanced version of the plugin allows you to put analytics code on your landing pages.

Can I make Thank You pages with the landing page plugin?

You can make Thank You pages using the Ultimate Landing Page Advanced plugin.

Can I put videos on my landing pages?

Yes, you can put videos on the landing pages.

Can I customize the url (permalink) to my landing page(s)?

Yes, you can customize the url in all versions of the landing page plugin.

Can I create sales funnels with the landing page plugin?

You can create sales funnels with the Ultimate Landing Page Advanced plugin.

Can I change the color of my text?

In the repository version of the ultimate landing page and coming soon page you can change the color using css. In the advanced version of the ultimate landing page and coming soon page there are custom controls to easily allow you to change the color of the text on your landing page or coming soon page.

Can I use the ultimate landing page and coming soon page plugin as a maintenance mode page?

Yes, you can use the ultimate landing page coming soon page plugin as a maintenance mode.


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