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Ultimate Media On The Cloud Lite

开发者 phprockets
更新时间 2022年7月29日 12:28
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


amazon s3 aws s3 wordpress s3 wordpress cloud storage google cloud


1.51.2 1.22.05 1.50.1 1.50.5 1.51.0 1.51.1


With Ultimate Media On The Cloud plugin, you can easy migrate/ move and mange wordpress medias on the Cloud Storage Platforms like Amazon S3, Google Cloud and other platforms... It helps you to save hosting space/bandwidth and faster delivery by keeping your site medias at the cloud services. Once installed Ultimate Media On The Cloud plugin will automatic save your media to the target cloud which you set up via Plugin Setting page and replace with cloud URL instead of your blog URL source. The settings page is friendly and easy to use, there is an inline support and links for you can quickly fill the credentials. By first time of activation Ultimate Media On The Cloud, your all existing medias will not be affected and they will work as they are before the time you active the plugin, notice that all new medias will be uploaded to the cloud. Beside that there is a Migration feature (which is Pro version) for you can migrate all your media to the cloud, plugin supports Host to Cloud, Cloud to Cloud (migrate between Cloud Storage Server). This Lite version is having enough functionally for you can have basic features and work with Cloud Server smoothly, with the Pro version can have more powerful features. Take a look below Pro features. Pro version unlock features (We will work to adding more feature in every next release) If you have any question, don't hesitate to post your question. Thank your for using Ultimate Media On The Cloud for Wordpress plugin


Download .zip file, login with administrator privilege. Go to plugin section, add new and upload .zip file or you can upload plugin directory via ftp. After active the plugin, the left sidebar menu will be appeared with the name: Ultimate Media On The Cloud. You must configure your Cloud Storage Account such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage, just go to settings and fill the credentials. Available guide for you can take a look over how to obtain Cloud Credentials Api Key, Secret,... If you have any question or need a support, please add question to Wordpress plugin page, we will listen and reply you as soon as possible. We are welcome Feedback and Bug report and really appreciate that, once received we will investigate and will update in next release. Keep plugin up to date in your host for the best stable.


  • Upload media sample.
  • Advanced Settings.
  • Plugin General Settings.
  • Amazon Setting Section.
  • Google Cloud Setting Section.
  • Upload media sample.
  • Advanced Settings.
  • Plugin General Settings.
  • Amazon Setting Section.


External AddOn supported (Digital Ocean Addon) UI Improvements Bugs fixes


1.51.2 = 1.51.1 = 1.51.0 = 1.50.5 = 1.50.1 = 1.22.05