this plug-in displays the Browser and Platform of user who commented in your blog. it is capable of determining the version of the borwser.
== Installation ==
Upload user-agent-displayer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
thats it.
introduces the Options Page which is located under Settings menu
here comes the Persian localization
Several bugs fixed: now correctly displays comment content with all smilies, spaces and new lines.
now mouse over the images and you can see the user agent
added support for browser: Shiretoko
all the regex expressions with eregi() were replaced by stripos() due to the deprecating of eregi() function in later versions PHP
bugs fixed when the browser is Opera 10
added support for brosers: Maxthon, Avant, Camino, Shiira, Galeon, Epiphany, K-Meleon
0.9 beta
added support for browsers: Opera Mini
added support for platforms: Java
0.8 beta
added support for(browsers): Lunascape, Konqueror, Orca
Now can determine the Windows Versions(2000,XP,Vista,7)
0.6 beta
Added support for(browsers):Firefox, Microsoft IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Chromium, WebTV, Galeon, iCab, omniweb, Amaya, FireBird
Added support for(OS):Windows, GNU/Linux, MacIntosh, OS/2, BeOS