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开发者 rvencu
更新时间 2020年7月4日 06:59
PHP版本: 2.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.4.2


meta shortcode custom user field user-meta


0.1 0.2 0.2.1 0.2.2 0.2.3 0.2.4 0.2.5 0.3.1 0.4.1 0.5


USAGE: use [userinfo field="fieldname"]some content[/userinfo] or [authorinfo field="fieldname"]some content[/authorinfo] shortcodes in your post content to show the "fieldname" meta value from the user-meta for the current logged-in user or for the post author without editing your theme files. use [otheruserinfo field="fieldname" login="userlogin" uservar="userloginvariable"]some content[/otheruserinfo] and use login attribute if you want a fixed user login or uservar attribute if you need to dynamically supply user login via query string, where userloginvariable is the name of the query string variable such as: You may also search for a rewrite plugin to make things nice such as EXAMPLES: [userinfo field="last_name"]{{empty}}[/userinfo] returns the last name of the current logged-in user. If no user is logged in then the value is empty string [userinfo field="user_login" if="admin"]You are the admin[/userinfo] this shortcode tests the field against the value and if true it displays the included content [userinfo field="user_login"] is your username and you are reading a post by [authorinfo field="user_login"]{{empty}}[/authorinfo].[/userinfo] this will display the username followed with the processed content. Note: never use the nested shortcode same as the enclosing shortcode. This will produce unexpected results! [userinfo nospan="true"] should eliminate the surrounding span tag so the output can be used inside URLs or similar applications [userinfo field="avatar" size="50"] will display the logged-in user's avatar with the size of 50px. The display depends of theme's css class 'avatar' List of some of the available meta field names: ID, user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, display_name, first_name, last_name,nickname, description, user_level, admin_color (Theme of your admin page. Default is fresh.), closedpostboxes_page, nickname, primary_blog, rich_editing, source_domain [authorinfo field="last_name"] returns the last name of the current post/page author. [authorinfo field="ID"] returns the user ID of the current post/page author. [authorinfo field="avatar" size="50"] will display the post author's avatar with the size of 50px. The display depends of theme's css class 'avatar' [authorinfo field="posts"] will display the author's posts link List of some of the available meta field names: user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_activation_key, user_status, display_name,nickname, first_name, last_name, description, jabber, aim, yim, user_level, user_firstname, user_lastname, user_description, rich_editing, comment_shortcuts, admin_color,plugins_per_page, plugins_last_view, ID [otheruserinfo field="user_firstname" uservar="theuserlogin"] will display the user_firstname for the user specified via query string, in the theuserlogin variable [otheruserinfo field="user_firstname" login="admin"] will display the user firstname for the user specified in the login attribute If you add custom user meta via additional plugins, then the meta should be available for the above shortcodes


  1. Upload user-meta-shortcodes folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


0.5 - both nothing and {{empty}} works as no content 0.4 - added support for other users by their login. user login can be entered as shortcode attribute or via query string. see usage 0.3 - added support for gravatar. added support for link to author posts 0.2.5 - added nospan parameter to the shortcodes. setting nospan="true" should eliminate the surrounding span tag from the shortcodes output 0.2.4 - replaced Ctrl+M carriage return with regular \r character in another attempt to fix invalid header errors with Linux hosts. Also fixed a buf for author info shortcode where the author info was displayed for logged in users only 0.2.3 - second attempt to fix invalid header error. it seems this problem appears only with certain hosting types 0.2.2 - invalid header error fixed (hopefully) 0.2.1 - trying to fix invalid header error 0.2 - shortcodes accept content now. In addition, conditional display of content by comparing the profile field with a value. Content is only displayed if the values are identical. 0.1 - initial version