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UseResponse Live Chat

开发者 UseResponse
更新时间 2019年3月25日 22:24
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


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UseResponse Live Chat WP plugin is an effective communiсation tool for your website to build great relationship with your customers. It allows you to chat online with your customers in easier and more convenient way. Make the customer service more efficient by using Chat flow automations triggers, canned responses for the most frequent requests, conduct multiple chats simultaniously, autolock messages not to allow several agents send replies to one request. UseResponse Live Chat allows to communicate via most popular messengers (Live Chat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Email) right from your site. At the meantime you shouldn't worry about any issues getting lost like email or chat requests. Along with Live Chat software, UseResponse offers you a powerful Help Desk tool that converts all chat requests into tickets when agents are offline. Sign up for free trial. With UseResponse Live Chat you can:


  1. Install and activate the WordPress Plugin
  2. Login to Admin area in Useresponse. If you don't have UseResponse account, you can sign up for free 14-day trial here .
  3. Customize Chat plugin and copy the code generated automatically. Instructions can be found here.
  4. Go to UseResponse Chat plugin in your WordPress admin area.
  5. Paste the code and save the settings.


  • Chat Window
  • Appearance of Chat Widget
  • Chat Customization
  • Chat Automation Settings




What messengers does UseResponse Chat support?

UseResponse provides the ability to communicate with clients both in live chat widget and in popular messengers like FB Messenger, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, VK.

Do I need UseResponse account to use this plugin?

Yes, UseResponse account is required. You can create it here.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, We offer free 14-day trial that includes all the features available. No obligations, no credit card required.

Where can I use Live Chat?

You can place the the chat widget into your website, blog, web application and mobile app.

Can I customize my Chat?

Sure, depending on your workflow, you can choose which option to display on your site: Chat Label, Snippet or a Full Message. Select color scheme to match your website, and also select available messengers to support, and connect them to your site.

Is UseResponse Chat Multilingual?

Yes, we currently support 13 languages, plus any user can easily create their own translation and change the wording of his system.

