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Vebra Properties

开发者 ultimatewebuk
更新时间 2017年1月24日 00:35
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0
版权: GPL2


Property Properties Vebra Solex Alto Zoopla RIghtmove




Vebra Properties lets to turn your Vebra API feed into an interactive search and display listing on your own website with the minimum of fuss.\ Just signup for the Vebra API and once you have your credentials enter them into your Vebra Properties settings. Add a few shortcodes and away you go. For advanced users you can style your results by overriding our templates and stylesheets or if you're not so sure about this contact us for our customisation services. Shortcodes We built the plugin using fleixible shortcodes for easy installation and customisation. The shortcodes are; Templates / Customisation We have provided templates corresponding to each of the shortcodes so you can create your own layouts and content. Simply include your own version of the templates in your theme and these will override the standard set provided;


We have tried to make the installation and setup of the plugin as simple as possible whilst building in fleixibility for the more advanced user to be able to fully customise the style and content. You can download and install Vebra Properties using the built in WordPress plugin installer. If you download Vebra Properties manually, make sure it is uploaded to "/wp-content/plugins/vebra_properties/". Activate Vebra Properties in the "Plugins" admin panel using the "Activate" link. Basic setup Follow the simple steps below to get up and running in minutes;
  1. Create a new page on your site for the search results and add the [vebra_properties] shortcode to this page.
  2. Create a new page on your site for the property details and add the [vebra_details] shortcode.
  3. Enter your API details into the Verbra Properties "Settings" menu.
  4. Also on the Verbra Properties "Settings" menu set the default property search results page that you created in step 1 and 2.
Once you click save on the settings page Vebra Properties will trigger a schedule to populate wordpress with the properties in your feed. It will also schedule a daily update of properties. Scheduling As mentioned once set up wordpress will re-populate the property list daily. This should happen automatically using WordPress's built in schedule service. However, this can be un-reliable especially if your site uses lots of third party plugins so we recommend that you trigger the schedule using a server cron job. Please see the FAQ for further details. Short codes This plugin has fleixble short codes to help with filtering and formatting of the content. To add options simple include them in the shortcode as a name value pair e.g. [vebra_list branchid="1" type="For Sale"]. See below for the full set of options available for each short code. Only add attributes to the shortcode if you want to pre-filter results. Any manually entered search criteria will override the attributes set in the shortcode. [vebra_quicksearch] [vebra_search] [vebra_list] [vebra_details]


  • Settings screen.  Enter the API details and select the property list and details pages.
  • Sample property listing page, including search shortcode
  • Sample property details page


1.0 First version release October 2014.


Can I edit the layout of the search and results?

There are 4 templates, one for each of the shortcodes. Simply create your own version of these templates in your themes directory to override the layout. You can also create your own styles to override the default ones we have set. The templates files are;

  • vp_quicksearch.php : Change the layout of the quicksearch bar
  • vp_search : modify the search layout
  • vp_list.php : dictate how property summary details are shown
  • vp_detail.php : style the detailed property view

Can you help customise the plugin

Of course, yes. We are a web development agency that specialises in WordPress integrations and customisation. Just contact us with your requirements.

My properties are not appearing

First of all check that the API details you entered are correct. If any of these are not correct then the schedule to grab properties will fail. There may also be a problem with the WordPress scheduler as this can fail particularly if you have other 3rd party plugins installed. We therefore recommend that you set up a system cron job to run the WordPress schedule manually as we found this to be much more reliable.

How do I set up scheduling as a cron job?

You can set up your server�s cron to hit wp-cron.php at a regular interval by following the instructions outlined in Harish Chouhan�s article on Wptuts+. If this seems overly complicated, you could use a tool such as Pingdom to trigger an HTTP request directly to wp-cron.php.
