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Virtual Bot

开发者 (pixliy
更新时间 2023年6月2日 00:34
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


chat bot assistant chatbot chat bot chat-bot virtual-bot




CHATBOT FOR WORDPRESS – VirtualBot VirtualBot is an easy to use, Native, No coding required,Custom ChatBot plugin for your WordPress and Woocommerce website. Own and Manage your ChatBot from the WordPress Dashboard. You can use VirtualBot as as a plug and play Scripted ChatBot without any technical knowledge at all you could create your own bot and genrate more leads. Just install it and create your bot. customize the bot with our editor, create the conversation flow you want the bot to follow with options to link your woocommerce shop with VirtualBot,every conversation will be saved on you wordpress dashboard.


  • Conversations pages
  • Conversation preview
  • Bot editor
  • Text editor
  • Live Bot example
  • Conversations pages
  • Conversation preview
  • Bot editor
  • Text editor


What is ChatBot ?

Chatbot, is semi robot that you can edit to answer and talk as you wish by your own script

How can i save conversations ?

if you want to save the conversations just end an conversation with thankyou message

How can i use VirtualBot ?

you can start editing you bot script in our drag&drop editor, and make a conversation that will help your product/demo/shop to increase leads and sales

Where can i display the bot ?

You can dislay the bot on every page, paste the shortcode on pages you want the bot to display on

The plugin support RTL ?

Yes the plugin support rtl

The plugin has Pro version ?

yes, you can find more details here