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Visitors Voice Site Search Analytics

开发者 Pontus Rosin
更新时间 2014年5月5日 14:41
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


search analytics site search click tracking solr site search analytics search tracking intent mining search performance sphinx site search statistics apache solr solr lucene


1.0.0 1.1.0


Visitors Voice analyzes search- and click behavior and shows how to improve content and metadata of your website or intranet, independent of which site search engine you use. This plugin is recommended for those that use a third party search engine like Apache Solr, Elastic Search, GSA or similar. Lidkoping municipality use the plugin togehter with Apache Solr for example. Why do you need it Our plugin for WordPress makes it easy for editors to create content asked for. And with our automated meta keyword suggestions on a page level you can make sure your site search will be efficient and fullfilling your goals. Try the demo of our dashboard which the plugin makes accessible from within WordPress with no extra login required. Keep in mind though that with the plugin you will get keyword suggestions and can see related search behavior on a page level. Top 5 features Visitors Voice is currently used by many successful public organizations and growing rapidly. Read more on the plugin homepage and contact our support if you have any questions or need any help.


  1. Sign up for a free trial at Visitors Voice
  2. We will then send you your tracking code that should be installed on your template
  3. Install the Visitors Voice Site Search Analytics plugin for WordPress in your WordPress dashboard
  4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  5. Get your API key from Visitors Voice dashboard under My account and enter it in the settings page
  6. Finish the configuration and then wait for Visitors Voice to collect some data and create suggestions for you
Please contact our support if you have any questions or need any help.


1.0 Initial release


Does Visitors Voice work with Solr?

Yes, Visitors Voice works with any search engine technology like Apache Lucene Solr, google custom search, Sphingx, Google Search Appliance etc. Its fully vendor neutral.

We have Google Analytics, why do we need Visitors Voice?

If you have a website (or intranet) with a lot of information, a site search function and it should matter to you if your visitors find what they are searching for; then Visitors Voice will create additional value to Google Analytics. Visitors Voice gives you suggestions of metadata and shows search behavior on a page level.

What does Visitors Voice require from my website?

  1. Your website (or intranet) need to have a site search function and at least a hundred pages on your website
  2. Your website (or intranet) search must use GET, in order for Visitors Voice to be able to track your search parameters.
  3. The cleaner and more SEO-friendly URL:s you have, the easier will Visitors Voice be to work with.


1.0 Initial release