开发者 | josk79 |
更新时间 | 2015年2月28日 06:03 |
捐献地址: | 去捐款 |
PHP版本: | 4.0.0 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 4.1.1 |
版权: | GPLv2 or later |
版权网址: | 版权信息 |
directory, or automatically install it through the 'New Plugin' menu in WordPressThe plugin walks through all source elements from the wp_icl_translations table (source element is the element in the 'original language'). if the element is a post (post_) or a taxonomy (tax_) it will be migrated: The translations for the element will be merged with the source element. If the element is a post, any comments for the post will also be attached to the source element. Once merged, the translation posts/taxonomies will be removed from the database.
No. Only posts, taxonomies and terms will be migrated.
No, slugs are not migrated by default. Some urls will break. If the 'qTranslate Slug'-plugin is installed during migration, the slugs for posts and terms will also be translated for you. Note: the taxonomy slugs will not be translated (e.g. /product-cat/ )
Sure! This is the link. Greatly appreciated!