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WangGuard - MailPoet Connector

开发者 j.conti
更新时间 2014年4月23日 08:34
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.9
版权: GPLv2


mailpoet anti-spam wysija splog spam prevention wangguard wangguardaddon sploggers anti-splog user spam anti spam users




Verify MailPoet subscribers before adding them to your MailPoet subscribers list by checking against the WangGuard service that each new subscriber is not reported as a known Splogger or unwanted user. WangGuard plugin version 1.5.3+ and MailPoet Neswletter version 2.1.9+. is needed Why use WangGuard - MailPoet Connector? Well, connecting WangGuard and MailPoet, you will be able send activations emails and newsletter only a real people, That means it will reduce greatly the risk of being flagged as spam server (Black listed). Developers You will find in this plugin a very easy way to connect your plugin with WangGuard plugin. If your plugin has a form, maybe you can be interested in use WangGuard. Please, never use WangGuard for check Trackbacks or Pingbacks.


  1. Download and install WangGuard and MailPoet
  2. Activate plugins through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress (if is a Multisite, WangGuard needs to be activated for the Network)
  3. Updates are automatic. Click on "Upgrade Automatically" if prompted from the admin menu. If you ever have to manually upgrade, simply deactivate, uninstall, and repeat the installation steps with the new version.


1.0.0 - 21 Dec 2012