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WC Recurring Invoice Pdf

开发者 ole1986
更新时间 2022年4月29日 15:42
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.5
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


law woocommerce pdf order recurring billing automation invoicing WC read-only


1.5.14 1.5.10 1.5.11 1.5.12 1.5.13 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.5.9


The WC-InvoicePdf plugin is used to generate PDF documents from woocommerce orders. It also allows to setup WC Orders to be recurring and submits the invoices to there customers respectively. Features RELEASE NOTES


TESTING For testing the recuring payments (submission of invoices) the "Test recuring" settings can be hooked to overwrite any customer email address DEVELOPMENT To set the recurring state of an order while receiving a request, an action hook can be used to achieve this // call the plugin to mark it as yearly recurring payment order do_action('wcinvoicepdf_order_period', $order_id, 'yearly'); // call the plugin to mark it as monthly recurring payment order do_action('wcinvoicepdf_order_period', $order_id, 'monthly'); To add additional info into the invoice metabox located in order, the following hook is availble do_action('wcinvoicepdf_invoice_metabox', $post_id);


  • The PDF printout when generating invoice
  • All invoices listing from admin panel
  • Invoice frontend for customers incl. pending payment instructions
  • Generate invoice metabox from WooCommerce Order page
  • WooCommerce Order basic prerequisites on subscription and ISPConfig (optional) settings
  • Settings for PDF invoice output 1/2
  • Additional settings for PDF invoice output 2/2
  • Task scheduler for recurring and reminder settings
  • Email template settings for payments and reminders


Release notes are provided by the Github project page