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WCFM Membership - WooCommerce Memberships for Multivendor Marketplace

开发者 wclovers
更新时间 2025年1月12日 15:25
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


subscription members multi vendor multivendor marketplace woocommerce membership


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A simple woocommerce memberships plugin for offering FREE AND PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION for your multi-vendor marketplace (WCFM Marketplace, WC Vendors, WC Product Vendors & Dokan). You may set up unlimited membership levels (example: free, silver, gold etc) with different pricing plan, capabilities and commission. [youtube]
Documentations:- WCFM - Membership Video Tutorials Experience membership subscription here - Membership Demo
HAVE SUPPORT OF MY MULTI-VENDOR WooCommerce Multivaendor Membership works with all popular marketplace add-ons - 🔖 WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace 🔖 WC Vendors and WC Vednors PRO 🔖 Dokan Lite and Dokan PRO 🔖 WooCommerce Product Vendors HAVE FREE AND PAID MEMBERSHIPS You can configure it to have free and/or paid memberships on your site. Paid membership payment is handled securely via PayPal. Both one time and recurring/subscription payments are supported. HAVE SUPPORT OF MY PAYMENT GATEWAYS You can setup membsership subsctiptions with all flexibilities and with different intgegrated payment options as well - 👉 FREE 👉 PayPal 👉 Bank Transfer 👉 Stripe (3D Secure & SCA Compatible) Are you missing your payment gateway then setup using WC Products - [youtube] HAVE DIFFERENT COMMISSION MODEL You can configure different commission structure for each membership level. Fixed and percent both are supported. HAVE DIFFERENT CAPABILITIES You can assign different capability module for each membership level. You may create totally different capability group with all flexibilities (example: product limit, categories, product types etc) for each membership level. But this is not directly part of this add-on, Capability modules are come from WCFM - Groups & Staffs. Registration OTP Veirification 👨 Indian Users - 👨 Other Users - MEMBERSHIP DETAILS Your vednors will have full details of their membership under their WCFM dashboard. They may also change their subscription plan any time - upgrade or downgrade. WHAT ABOUT NON-VENDOR USERS Any user of the site (except Administrator and Shop manager) may apply for membership subscription. Pay for Product Option This will allow you to setup a system where vendor has to pay before adding a product - [youtube] Just to mention, it works as a add-on for WooCommerce Frontend Manager. Translations Feedback All we want is love. We are extremely responsive about support requests - so if you face a problem or find any bugs, shoot us a mail or post it in the support forum, and we will respond within 6-12 hours(during business days). If you get the impulse to rate the plugin low because it is not working as it should, please do wait for our response because the root cause of the problem may be something else. It is extremely disheartening when trigger happy users downrate a plugin for no fault of the plugin. Feel free to reach us either via our support forum or, happy to serve anything you looking for. Really proud to serve and enhance WooCommerce. Be with us ... Team WC Lovers


Minimum Requirements Automatic installation Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don't need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce Frontend Manager, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. In the search field type "WooCommerce Multivendor Membership" and click Search Plugins. Once you've found our eCommerce plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking "Install Now". Manual installation The manual installation method involves downloading our eCommerce plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


  • Pay for Product
  • Membership Dashboard
  • Membership Subscription Types
  • Membership Recurring Subscription with Trial
  • New Membership
  • Membership Commission setup
  • Membership Capability Group
  • Membership Table Styling
  • Membership Thank You Content
  • Membership Payment Page
  • Membership Thank You Page
  • Membership Registration Page
  • Membership General Settings
  • Membership Feature List Set up
  • Membership Welcome Email
  • Membership Details - Cancel & Upgrade


  • Enhance - WordPress 6.7+ compatibility check added
  • Enhance - WooCommerce 9.5+ compatibility check added


2.11.6 Updated - 12/01/2025 2.11.5 Updated - 26/06/2024 2.11.4 Updated - 07/06/2024 2.11.3 Updated - 29/11/2023 2.11.2 Updated - 30/07/2023 2.11.1 Updated - 16/07/2023 2.11.0 Updated - 03/05/2023 2.10.7 Updated - 26/03/2023 2.10.6 Updated - 14/01/2023 2.10.5 Updated - 29/10/2022 2.10.4 Updated - 19/02/2022 2.10.3 Updated - 28/12/2021 2.10.2 Updated - 27/11/2021 2.10.1 Updated - 21/11/2021 2.10.0 Updated - 19/11/2021 2.9.10 Updated - 26/09/2021 2.9.9 Updated - 21/07/2021 2.9.8 Updated - 13/06/2021 2.9.7 Updated - 24/04/2021 2.9.6 Updated - 28/03/2021 2.9.5 Updated - 06/01/2021 2.9.4 Updated - 28/08/2020 2.9.3 Updated - 12/08/2020 2.9.2 Updated - 02/08/2020 2.9.1 Updated - 09/06/2020 2.9.0 Updated - 13/05/2020 2.8.6 Updated - 17/04/2020 2.8.5 Updated - 08/04/2020 2.8.4 Updated - 06/04/2020 2.8.3 Updated - 15/03/2020 2.8.2 Updated - 07/03/2020 2.8.1 Updated - 08/02/2020 2.8.0 Updated - 18/01/2020 2.7.6 Updated - 08/01/2020 2.7.5 Updated - 21/12/2019 2.7.4 Updated - 21/11/2019 2.7.3 Updated - 22/10/2019 2.7.2 Updated - 03/10/2019 2.7.1 Updated - 22/09/2019 2.7.0 Updated - 16/09/2019 2.6.6 Updated - 03/09/2019 2.6.5 Updated - 15/08/2019 2.6.4 Updated - 13/08/2019 2.6.3 Updated - 08/08/2019 2.6.2 Updated - 05/08/2019 2.6.1 Updated - 31/07/2019 2.6.0 Updated - 19/07/2019 2.5.10 Updated - 02/07/2019 2.5.9 Updated - 29/06/2019 2.5.8 Updated - 29/06/2019 2.5.7 Updated - 26/06/2019 2.5.6 Updated - 25/06/2019 2.5.5 Updated - 24/06/2019 2.5.4 Updated - 09/06/2019 2.5.3 Updated - 09/06/2019 2.5.2 Updated - 04/06/2019 2.5.1 Updated - 01/06/2019 2.5.0 Updated - 24/05/2019 2.4.5 Updated - 15/05/2019 2.4.4 Updated - 21/04/2019 2.4.3 Updated - 06/04/2019 2.4.2 Updated - 01/04/2019 2.4.1 Updated - 27/02/2019 2.4.0 Updated - 17/02/2019 2.3.3 Updated - 14/02/2019 2.3.2 Updated - 23/01/2019 2.3.1 Updated - 10/01/2019 2.3.0 Updated - 28/12/2018 2.2.5 Updated - 05/12/2018 2.2.4 Updated - 12/11/2018 2.2.3 Updated - 24/10/2018 2.2.2 Updated - 02/10/2018 2.2.1 Updated - 01/10/2018 2.2.0 2.1.4 2.1.3 2.1.2 2.1.1 2.1.0 2.0.7 2.0.6 2.0.5 2.0.4 2.0.3 2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0.0 1.3.2 1.3.1 1.3.0 1.2.4 1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.1.9 1.1.8 1.1.7 1.1.6 1.1.5 1.1.4 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.1 1.0.4 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0