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WC Pickup Store

开发者 keylorcr
更新时间 2024年9月23日 14:20
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4.1
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce ecommerce e-commerce store local pickup store pickup local shipping store post type recoger en tienda


1.8.3 1.8.5 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.4 1.7.3 1.8.0 1.8.6


WC Pickup Store is a shipping method that lets you to set up a custom post type "store" to manage stores in WooCommerce and activate them for shipping method "Local Pickup" in checkout page. It also includes several options to show content by Widget or a WPBakery Page Builder component. Configuration of shipping costs are also available globally or per stores. More about documentation and filter usage in my website Check or request a custom PRO add-on here Features And Options: Some Useful Hooks These are some useful filters and actions that you might need to extend the plugin functionalities wps_store_query_args to edit the query of stores wps_no_stores_availables_message message to show when no stores are available to display in the Checkout wps_first_store choose the first selected store wps_store_pickup_cost_label label for store pickup costs wps_shipping_costs override method shipping costs wps_order_shipping_item_label method title with instructions wps_subtotal_for_store_cost subtotal to calculate percentage shipping costs woocommerce_shipping_wc_pickup_store_is_available check for shipping method availability wps_settings_data to edit the plugin settings including the shipping title wps_get_store_custom_fields to choose the custom fields to be returned in wps_stores_fields function wps_stores_fields all custom information by store wps_formatted_shipping_title shipping method title on Checkout wps_disable_country_filtering disable filtering by country


Requires WooCommerce
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wc-pickup-store directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Go to settings page from Menu > Stores > Settings or the shipping methods page in WC to activate WC Pickup Store shipping method.
  4. Done.


  • Default Store.
  • Checkout page.
  • Order details.
  • VC element.
  • VC element Result.
  • Widget Element.
  • Widget Element Result.
  • Published store validation.
  • WC error after store validation.
  • Email notification
  • Shipping cost by shipping method
  • Shipping cost per stores
  • Order Email Notification
  • Order and Orderby options
  • Store details on Checkout page
  • Filtering stores by Country
  • Default label in Store picker on the Checkout page


  • New: Custom setting to override wps_store_select_first_option filter for dropdown first option text
  • Review: Compatibility with WP 6.2.0 and WC 7.6.1
  • Fix: Validation to hide the country validation for stores visible on admin pages
  • Important Fix: Reported issues related to query in post types
  • Important Fix: Multisite validation if WC plugin is not active
  • New: Filters for admin options page
  • Improvement: Code readability
  • Review: Compatibility with WP 5.9 and WC 6.2.0
  • Fix: Some fixes from previous versions
  • Fix: Undefined function wps_get_chosen_shipping_method
  • Improvement: Code structure
  • New: Message on the cart page when shipping is chosen
  • New: Filters to update the shipping label and stores picker label on Checkout: wps_shipping_method_label and wps_store_checkout_label
  • New: Country stores filter if multicountries shipping option is enable
  • Update: Comma separated email are accepted for email store notification
  • Fixing version 1.5.22
  • New features available
  • WPBakery store component fixed
  • Span elements reported in the Checkout were removed. Filter wps_order_shipping_item_label is available for any change to display the instructions in the label
  • New percentage or flat rate shipping costs calculation, per store or shipping method
  • Fix filter wps_order_shipping_item_label parameter
  • New filter wps_order_shipping_item_label wrapping the shipping order/checkout label
  • New order and orderby options are added to the configuration page
  • Fix BS+4 conflict with .col class in includes/vc_stores.php
  • Fix FA+5 icon in VC template
  • Fixing issue with local and external libraries validation
  • Validation for local and external libraries
  • New admin fields store_order_email and enable_order_email
  • Compatibility for WC 3.6.4 and WP 5.2.2
  • Change of wp_enqueue_style instead of using wp_register_style with bootstrap and font awesome libraries
  • Shipping costs added by shipping method or per each store
  • Archive template added
  • File .pot updaded
  • Fixes in VC element
  • Font Awesome and Bootstrap css have been included
  • Filters wps_store_get_waze_icon and wps_store_get_vc_waze_icon to manage waze icon
  • Fix esc_html to print content in template
  • Fix selected store notification in emails
  • Fix validation for available stores in checkout
  • Fix: Validate shipping method before to show the store in checkout page
  • Update: Change in shipping method title to remove the amount ($0.00)
  • Update: Textdomain and function names
  • Delete: provincias taxonomy
  • Add: Minify VC element styles file


How to setup?

Just activate the plugin, go to settings page and enable the shipping method. Customize the shipping method title, default store and checkout notification message.

How to manage stores?

Go to Menu > Stores > All Stores > Add New

Can I edit the store templates?

Yes, you can override all the templates. Just copy from /plugins/wc-pickup-store/templates/ to /theme/template-parts/. Single store and archive page might be overriden in /theme/ directory as WordPress does.

How do I replace or remove waze icon?

Simply use filters wps_store_get_waze_icon or wps_store_get_vc_waze_icon to manage waze icon

Can I set a default store in checkout?

Yes, just go to Menu > Appearance > Customize > WC Pickup Store > Default Store. Also you can use the filter wps_first_store to do that

Can I set custom page without using WPBakery Page Builder?

The shortcode functionality had been removed since previous versions but since version 1.5.13 you can use the archive-store.php located in the plugin templates directory

Is there a way to add a price for the shipping method?

Fortunately since version 1.5.13 the option to set custom costs by shipping method or per stores is available. Hope you enjoy it! Update 1.5.21 let you calculate shipping costs by flat rate or percentage

Can I send an email to the store with the order details, is that possible?

Sure, now you can add an email address into the store admin page and it will be notified on order sent to this store.

Can I translate the shipping method title?

You can use the filter wps_settings_data with the key title to create a custom valid translation for the title. Available since version 1.5.22

How does the multicountry stores work?

First, this functionality will work if your Shop is enabled to sell to specific countries, if not, you must to update all the stores to the default Shop country using the link on the notice about this feature (available since version 1.5.24). Then, you just have to choose a country for each store on the store settings page.

How can I manage tax options for this shipping method?

View more information about tax handling in this documentation


1.8.6 1.8.5 1.8.4 1.8.3 1.8.2 1.8.1 1.8.0 1.7.3 1.7.2 1.7.1 1.7.0 1.6.3 1.6.2 1.6.1 1.6.0 1.5.29 1.5.28 1.5.27 1.5.26 1.5.25 1.5.24 1.5.23 1.5.22 1.5.21 1.5.20 1.5.19 1.5.18 1.5.17 1.5.16 1.5.15 1.5.14 1.5.13 1.5.12 1.5.11 1.5.10 1.5.9