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开发者 Planet Merchant Services Ltd
更新时间 2025年2月13日 19:59
PHP版本: 4.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: Apache-2.0
版权网址: 版权信息


payment woocommerce e-commerce pdf invoice webshop processing customer invoice psp packing slips woocommerce WeArePlanet WeArePlanet




Website: The plugin offers an easy and convenient way to accept credit cards and all other payment methods listed below fast and securely. The payment forms will be fully integrated in your checkout and for credit cards there is no redirection to a payment page needed anymore. The pages are by default mobile optimized but the look and feel can be changed according the merchants needs. This plugin will add support for all WeArePlanet payments methods and connect the WeArePlanet servers to your WooCommerce webshop. To use this extension, a WeArePlanet account is required. Sign up on WeArePlanet.


Minimum Requirements Automatic installation
  1. Install the plugin via Plugins -> New plugin. Search for 'WeArePlanet'.
  2. Activate the 'WeArePlanet' plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Set your WeArePlanet credentials at WooCommerce -> Settings -> WeArePlanet (or use the Settings link in the Plugins overview)
  4. You're done, the active payment methods should be visible in the checkout of your webshop.
Manual installation
  1. Unpack the downloaded package.
  2. Upload the directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the 'WeArePlanet' plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. Set your credentials at WooCommerce -> Settings -> WeArePlanet (or use the Settings link in the Plugins overview)
  5. You're done, the active payment methods should be visible in the checkout of your webshop.


3.3.3 - Jan 15th 2025