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WebD Woocommerce Product Excel Importer & Bulk Edit

开发者 taz_bambu
更新时间 2024年2月6日 11:34
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


bulk editing product importer woocommerce import excel importer bulk product edit product inline editing product bulk editing product excel importer


2.0 2.1


Bulk Product Editing Woocommerce Simple Products and Excel Importer from one screen! Advanced Search of your Products by keyword, taxonomy term, regular price, sale price, sku. Select what fields you want to see in the list and Update. Inline Editing for the Products from one screen. Select what Fields to show in the Editor. Import / Create products from Excel File! Update products from Excel File! Click here if you need Excel Importer Only Click here if you need Excel Importer for Any Content Type Bulk Edit Supports Inline Edit Supports Excel Import/Update Video Instructions [youtube] PRO VERSION Get it Here Bulk Editor Excel Importer [youtube]


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins directory and unzip, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Product Excel Importer Bulk Editing Link(found on main menu, and submenu of Woocommerce and Products) or Settings link on plugins page to use the plugin.
  4. Upload your excel file (there is a link for a sample excel file) and proceed to data mapping and creating your products.
  5. Go to Search/Bulk edit administration screen and manage your products.


  • Product Excel Importer configuration screen - Data Mapping
  • Bulk Edit Features - Advanced Search - Hide/show Columns
  • Bulk Edit - Update massively regular and sale price
  • Inline Edit per Product / For categories and tags add multiple comma separated


1.0 1.1 Short Description field - Excerpt support for import 1.2 Bug fix for decimal values on weight, prices etc. 2.0 Check Wordpress 5.0 compatibility. Check latest woocommerce version compatibility. Added Features: Import Author id, import URL Slug, Virtual Product


Can I update massively many products?

Yes, update massive features is available for regular and sale price, plus more in the Pro version.

Can I update the existing products?

Yes, update is also supported and will be mentioned while uploading.

Can I add product categories?

Yes, when you add a category term in excel, this will be created along with the product. You can add them comma separated in an excel column.

How do i define if a product is in stock?

By default, leaving stock column blank will create products that are 'in stock'. If you need the to be as 'out of stock', simple add '0' to stock column and map it through the import process.

Can I add product images / custom taxonomies along with the product?

This feature is available in the PRO Version

Can I add product images / custom taxonomies along with the product?

This feature is available in the PRO Version

Can I Export Products?

This feature is available in the PRO Version


2.0 Check Wordpress 5.0 compatibility. Check latest woocommerce version compatibility. Added Features: Import Author id, import URL Slug, Virtual Product 1.2 Bug fix for decimal values on weight, prices etc. 1.1 Short Description field - Excerpt support for import 1.0