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Free Website Forms Builder by Wishpond

开发者 atajsekandar
更新时间 2019年5月14日 01:52
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


form marketing contact form form builder custom forms


1.0.0 2.0 2.0.1 2.1


Wishpond is the easiest and most flexible form builder plugin for Wordpress. You can use it to create forms for your website for free, in minutes. FORM TYPES (MOST POPULAR) Appointment Booking Get your visitors to fill out a form to book an appointment or sales call Coming Soon Build an audience for your upcoming launch. Ebook Get visitors to download your awesome ebook. Event / Webinar Get people to register for your event or webinar. Lead Generation Capture leads using lead generation forms. MORE FORMS TYPES Course Signup Drive signups for your course Newsletter Signup Invite visitors to signup for your newsletter. Video Add video to your forms using our code-free video object. FORM FEATURES A/B Testing Test multiple versions of your forms to see which gets you more leads. Countdown Timer Add a countdown timer to your forms to build a sense of urgency. CSS & Javascript Add CSS and Javascript to your forms to customize them however you like. Drag-and-Drop Builder Build beautiful forms in minutes with our easy drag-and-drop builder. Dynamic Text Replacement Personalize your forms based on information you know about your visitors. Form Fields Create custom form fields like dropdown menus, checkboxes, date pickers & more. Lead Notifications Get email notifications whenever you get a new lead from your forms. Mobile-Responsive Our pages and templates are built to work perfectly on all mobile and tablet devices. Reporting See real-time stats of your form’s views, conversions and converstion rate. Templates 100+ beautiful templates designed for every look and industry. EMAIL MARKETING APP INTEGRATIONS MORE INTEGRATIONS POPUP TOOLS (INCLUDED FREE) Website Popups Show an overlay popup on your website to turn your visitors into leads. Opt-in Bar Show a scrolling bar at the top of your website pages with an email-capture form or call-to-action button. Slide-In Trigger a popup to slide-in when a visitor scrolls down your website. Welcome Mat Display a full-screen overlay when visitors first land on your website. MORE TOOLS (INCLUDED FREE) Call-To-Action Add calls-to-action to your website that visitors can click to open popups Lead Management Segment your leads into lists to keep them organized. AVAILABLE LANGUAGES SUPPORT


  1. Download and unzip the Wordpress Website Forms plugin.
  2. Upload the website-forms folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. 通过WordPress的“插件”菜单激活插件。
  4. You will now have a new Forms link in your admin menu.
  5. To create a Form, simply click the "New Form" link in your Wordpress dashboard menu, under "Forms", and continue from there. If a login window appears, simply enter your e-mail and a password of your choosing to sign up.


  • Form Example 1
  • Form Example 2
  • Form Example 3
  • Form Templates
  • Form Builder
  • Form Publishing Options
  • Form Report
  • Leads Management Dashboard
  • Export Leads to Integrations
  • Wishpond Dashboard


Do I need to have a Wishpond account set up already?

No, your account is automatically created through the plugin, or you can simply use an existing account.

Do I need to know how to code or design?

Not at all! Wishpond's Form builder (with optimized templates already set up for you) was created specifically so no coding or design knowledge is required.

Can I use the Website Forms plugin for free?

Absolutely! You can create and publish your Forms for free for up to 50 leads that you get. You can learn more about our pricing here.

Do I need to set up any Wordpress configuration options for this plugin?

All you need is to make sure that the Permalinks are set to "Post Name" or "Custom Structure". You would verify this in Settings->Permalinks.

Where are Forms stored?

Your Forms are stored on Wishpond. This also means that if you ever uninstall this plugin, your Wishpond account still has your work.

How do I delete a Form?

After you create a Form, you can view it under "Dashboard". To delete it, simply select the gear icon and click "Delete".

What URL should I use when creating a Form?

When creating a Form you have to make sure you use the domain of the Wordpress page you are on, followed by the path at which you want the Form to be hosted. So if my Wordpress site is at "" (and I can see this in the address bar) and I want to host my Form at "new-form", then I would use the following url "".

What if my Wordpress site is on a multisite installation?

If your Wordpress site is hosted under a multi-site installation, then your Wordpress path would be preceeded by your site's domain. For example, if your Wordpress site is hosted at "" then you can host a Form at ""

I can't publish a Form, what's wrong?

When editing a Form you must make sure the URL you specify begins with the same domain name and protocol(http or https) as your Wordpress site. In other words, if your Wordpress site is hosted at "" you can't use "" or "" or any other variation.

I have another question, what do I do?

Contact us anytime! If you ever need a question, you can email us at or just use the live chat available to you directly through this plugin! You can also access our knowledge database to answer all your questions.


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