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Website Monetization by AdSwallow

开发者 AdSwallow
更新时间 2016年4月12日 21:03
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3.1
版权: GPLv2 or later


advertising earn money contextual ads smartlink banners popunder sell ads coupon contextual advertising sell links text link ads website monetization afflink


1.0 1.0.2 1.01


AdSwallow is an advertising network, specializing in JS monetizations. AdSwallow enables WordPress Publishers to easily install the AdSwallow unique advertising plugin to improve revenues for WordPress websites and blogs. AdSwallow automatically pays you for each person buying relevant brands and products you advertize with the help of this Plugin. This won\'t you take too much time, only a few steps, to start earning revenue.



What should I do after AdSwallow plugin installation?

  • Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' menu in WordPress
  • Sign up for AdSwallow and get unique AdSwallow ID
  • Insert your AdSwallow ID (WordPress menu -> Settings -> AdSwallow -> Insert ID field)

How much can I earn?

Monthly revenue is based on your website\'s visitors amount, their characteristics, behaviour and amount of ads on the website pages. Please note all monetizations enabled on your website does not mean that you will earn more money. You should be carefully define the best monetization for your website with help of stats we provide.

When do I get paid?

You will receive your first payment 45 days after first ad placement. Your Adswallow balance can be transferred anytime to : your PayPal account after reaching $25 minimum. your Bank account after reaching $100 minimum. After reaching mentioned above sum you will be asked to provide us with your PayPal / Bank details. We should know how to pay you!

How will AdSwallow sell ads from my sites?

We\'ve got hundreds of advertisers, who want to purchase ads for specific keywords. It includes to the website pages our external monetization script and once we finds these keywords in the content of your websites, these pages will be offered for placement to our advertisers.

Can I exclude specific pages from ad sales?

Current version exclude Can I control what kind of monetization will be active on my website? Yes, you\'ll be able to choose monetization which you want to use. We highly recommend you to read Adswallow Plugin Monetization Guide on AdSwallow Website.

What kind of ads you will place?

In-text ads, In-image ads, Smart-links. For more information we highly recommend you to visit Screenshot Section. However please note that Adswallow doesn\'t allow the promotion of illegal products, services or activities. We are not promote products, services, or content that are inappropriate, illegal, or unsafe, or that exploit, mislead, or exert undue pressure on the age groups targeted. Adswallow doesn\'t promote the sale or use of the following: Illegal, prescription, or recreational drugs; Tobacco products and related paraphernalia; Unsafe supplements; Weapons, ammunition, or explosives; or Adult products or services (except for ads for family planning and contraception).

What will you do with my website?

We will analize your website content and depending on your choise of monetization type. Adswallow Plugin will inject into your website content in-text ads, in-image ads or smart links.

How mutch money I earned?

This information you can track on Adswallow website. Statistics we provide at shows the real time data, except the “Revenue” field, which is formed with a certain delay. Unfortunately, it is impossible to keep tracking “Revenue” in real-time. Approximately, we need up to 3 business days to form and deliver \"Revenue\" final data.


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