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开发者 WebsiteAlive
更新时间 2018年5月8日 13:33
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.5
版权: GPLv2 or later


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WebsiteAlive is the easy-to-use Live Chat/Click-To-Call solution for your WordPress website. Visitors can immediately chat or initiate a click-to-call session with someone at your company who can answer their questions, in real-time. This WordPress plug-in instantly updates your WordPress site with WebsiteAlive Tracking Code which tracks visitors in real-time and also displays a call-to-action icon.


Installation Instructions:
  1. From your Wordpress Admin Dashboard, go to ‘Plugins’ and “Add New.”
  2. In the search bar, type in “AliveChat” and then click the Search Plugins button.
  3. You will see the “WebsiteAlive” plugin displayed. Click the “Install Now” link.
  4. Wordpress will ask you if you are sure that you want to download the plugin. Click Yes.
  5. Wordpress will install the plugin, then you will need to click the “Activate Now” link. Configuration Settings: Now that you have installed the AliveChat plugin, you are just minutes away from chatting with your site visitors! To configure your AliveChat plugin, click on the WebsiteAlive link that you see in the Main menu on the left hand column of your Admin Dashboard.
New Account Setup:
  1. If you are new to AliveChat, click on the “New User. Sign Up Now” link.
  2. Create a username, and input your email address. Then click the “Register” button
  3. Success, your account is created! You will see a window that asks you to select the website in your new AliveChat account that corresponds with your website, leave this at “default”, then click “Save Changes”
  4. You will receive an email, and your Admin login credentials will be contained within it. Please go to and login as Admin.
  5. You will need to create an Operator account by clicking on the “Operators” link on the far left under the “Basics” tab, then click on the link “Create A New Operator”.
  6. Now, whenever you are logged in to your operator account, you will see the embedded icon displayed on your Wordpress site.
  7. To change the positioning of your Embedded Icon, or to change the image, please login to your Admin console from here: