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Weekday Redirect

开发者 moxypark
更新时间 2009年10月12日 04:50
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.8.4


redirect schedule weekday




This is a WordPress plugin created to redirect to a given page on a particular day. Let’s say you want certain information to be available on a certain day, like a list of events. Users could go to, which would then redirect to[day], where [day] is obviously “monday”, “tuesday” etc, depending on what day of the week it is. There may already be more elegant solutions to this problem, but I wanted to build a WordPress plugin from scratch, rather than adapting an existing one. The much more efficient shortcodes system implemented in WordPres 2.5 (better than lots of plugins performing a find and replace or regular expression check) makes this really easy.


  1. Upload weekday-redirect to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place [weekday-redirect] in a page


I get a “Headers already sent” error

If you receive a PHP error similar to that above, you’ll need to enable output buffering if you can. This can be done fairly simply by adding the following line to your .htaccess file. (That lives in the root folder of your website: often named /htdocs, /httpdocs or /public_html.)

php_value output_buffering 4096
This instructs PHP not to send data to the browser until the full page has bneen read by the server. (Usually, PHP sends HTML to the browser, processes a PHP block when it comes to one, sends the next bit of HTML and so on. If you try and instruct the browser to do something while it’s in this mode, unless the instruction is right at the beginning, it’ll be too late, because the browser’s already receiving data. Using the output_buffering setting means PHP waits for the entire HTML page to be parsed before sending the resulting HTML to the browser, with any instructions at the beginning of the page.)