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WEN's IE CSS3 Support

开发者 webexpertsnepal
更新时间 2014年5月1日 00:40


CSS3 IE IE8 CSS3 Support Intener Explorer PIE Cross Browser box-shadow border-radius linear-gradient



CSS3 is probably the hottest trend in web design right now but Unfortunately, it’s not a surprise that Internet Explorer, Implement css markup that support CSS3 "border-radius( Rounded box corners )", "box-shadow( Dropdown/Inner Shadow )" and "linear-gradient( Gradient background color )" in IE versions 7 to 10 This plugin add a IE support markup on main style of your theme. This markup is an IE attached behavior, when applied to an element, allows IE to recognize and display a number of CSS3 properties. This is developed by "Jason Johnston" he called it PIE(Progressive Internet Explorer). The markup support numbers or CSS3 properties but this plugin can only support specific properties:


Download it and upload the WEN's IE CSS Support plugin to your site and Activate from dashboard then check your site. For border-radius, box-shadow, linear-gradient, Make sure all your "border-radius", "box-shadow" , and "linear-gradien" are in your theme's main stylesheet. Your main style usually named "style.css". Please email here for Quick support . The plugin automatically scan your theme's main stylesheet and look for CSS3 properties to apply the markup.


Will update it pretty soon.


  1. How can I implement the border-radius in to my div based site?

It's very simple to use. Just download the plugin and activate in your site :)


1.2 New Version released and minor bug resolved. Please update. 1.0 Plugins is Released ! An upgraded version is on its way. New items will added in next version,