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开发者 stur
更新时间 2022年1月15日 16:33
捐献地址: 去捐款
WordPress版本: 5.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


posts shortcodes pages categories taxonomies WP_Query get_terms get_pages




  1. Unzip and upload folder whale-kit to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. You can use short tags [wk_posts ...] or [wk_terms ...] or [wk_pages ...] in the text post or page.
  4. You may need to format the SSC, give an example to collapse lists: ` .widget_wk_post_widget ul, .widget_wk_pages_widget ul{ border-left: dotted 1px #DEDEDE; } .widget_wk_post_widget ul.childs, .widget_wk_pages_widget ul.childs{ border-left: dotted 1px #DEDEDE; margin-left: 0.5em;} li.page_item>a:before{ content:'-' } li.page_has_children>a:before { content:'+ ' } li.current_page_ancestor > a:before { content:'- ' } li.current_page > a:after { content:' <' } li.current_page>a {text-decoration: underline}
.widget_wk_terms_widget ul{ border-left: dotted 1px #DEDEDE; padding-left: .2em } .widget_wk_terms_widget ul.childs { margin-left: 0.5em; } li.cat_item>a:before{ content:' ' } li.cat_has_children>a:before { content:'+' } li.current_cat > a:before { content:'-' } li.current_cat > a {text-decoration: underline} li.current_cat_ancestor > a:before { content:'-' } .widget_wk_terms_widget li sup { font-size: 9px; margin: -5px 0 0 5px; vertical-align:top !important; } .widget_wk_terms_widget li a{ vertical-align:bottom !important; margin-top: 5px;} ` add this code to a file style of the current theme or to include other way


  • Add default widget-shortcode
  • Categories tree
  • Pages tree
  • Use as a shortcod


Show child categories from the category My_Category id:34

[wk_terms child_of=34]

Show all categories and empty too

[wk_terms hide_empty=0]

Exclude a category 32 and all childs

[wk_terms exclude_tree=array(32)]

Sort categories by number of posts without hierarchy

[wk_terms orderby=count order=ASC show_count=1 hierarchical=0 /]

Collapse categories

[wk_terms collapse=1 hierarchical=1] The collapse of the inactive branches of the tree of categories.

Display tags and specify the number of records

[wk_terms taxonomy=post_tag show_count=1]

Show category and set the font size depending on the number of entries in the category

[wk_terms show_count=1 size_of_count=1 smallest=8 largest=22 unit=px]

Show 5 records out of category id:56, exclude category id:23

[wk_posts cat=56,-23 posts_per_page=5]

Show entries with thumbnail

[wk_posts meta_key=_thumbnail_id show_thumbnail=60?60 /]

Multiple Custom Field Handling

[wk_posts tax_query='array( "relation"=>"AND", array( "taxonomy" => "category", "field" => "id", "terms" => array(16) ), array( "taxonomy" => "post_tag", "field" => "slug", "terms" => array("test_wk") ) )' /]

Show child pages to 567 pages

[wk_pages child_of=567]

Collapse and sorting pages

[wk_pages collapse=1 sort_column=menu_order sort_order=ASC]


1.0 1.0.1 1.1.0 WK_Pages added to work with hierarchical structures. Added ability to display thumbnails of records. 2.0.0 Widgets removed, use default widget shortcode.