to the /wp-content/plugins/
directory[wk_terms child_of=34]
[wk_terms hide_empty=0]
[wk_terms exclude_tree=array(32)]
[wk_terms orderby=count order=ASC show_count=1 hierarchical=0 /]
[wk_terms collapse=1 hierarchical=1]
The collapse of the inactive branches of the tree of categories.
[wk_terms taxonomy=post_tag show_count=1]
[wk_terms show_count=1 size_of_count=1 smallest=8 largest=22 unit=px]
[wk_posts cat=56,-23 posts_per_page=5]
[wk_posts meta_key=_thumbnail_id show_thumbnail=60?60 /]
[wk_posts tax_query='array( "relation"=>"AND", array( "taxonomy" => "category", "field" => "id", "terms" => array(16) ), array( "taxonomy" => "post_tag", "field" => "slug", "terms" => array("test_wk") ) )' /]
[wk_pages child_of=567]
[wk_pages collapse=1 sort_column=menu_order sort_order=ASC]
division by zero
in the calculation of the font size.