Allows you to not only see what's been loaded in wp_head but allows you to remove it. Default options are set to remove what's most commonly removed for you.
This avoids the need to hack core wordpress files or your theme/ plugin files, it also explains what options do when enabled.
It lists every option and some of these you may not want to disable, if you make a serious mistake you can remove the plugin from the folder or delete the entry in the options database (wg_wphead_settings)
Very basic installation, language support and additional features to be added.
The easiest way to install the plugin is to:
- Login to your wordpress installation
- Go to the plugins section and select "Add New"
- Perform a search for "Wired Goons Header"
- Click the "Install" link in the actions column
If you've downloaded the latest plugin files:
- You can download the latest version of the plugin also from
- Unzip the file and upload the
plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
Once installed:
- Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress
- Under the settings menu you should see the additional option 'Wired Goons Header Settings'