开发者 | softsprint |
更新时间 | 2024年4月15日 16:25 |
捐献地址: | 去捐款 |
PHP版本: | 7.1 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 6.5.2 |
版权: | GPLv2 or later |
版权网址: | 版权信息 |
Redirect link is the URL of any website page, which should be opened when user clicks on the "Add To Cart" button. User will be redirected to the specified page by clicking on this button.
Please open the product edit page in WordPress dashboard, scroll down to the "Product data" section and click on the "Product links" tab. There you will see the only field "Links"
User clicks on the "Add To Cart" button of the WooCommerce product and he will be redirected to the appropriate URL at the same moment.
Well, you have to check if the cart page was generated by WooCommerce and if the product has price (otherwise the "Add To Cart" button will not be shown)
"Add To Cart" button will work as usual in normal WooCommerce - it will open the cart for proceeding the order.