Woocommerce Email Verification plugin verifies the email address of user by sending the verification link to the email of a user at registration time.
Once the user verifies his identity he can login into his account.
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload
woo commerce-confirmation-email.zip
to the add new plugins in WordPress admin
- 通过WordPress的“插件”菜单激活插件
- Configure Template and email address in WC Email Setting Menu
= 3.5.0
- Added: Compatible with 'WooCommerce social login' plugin by SkyVerge. Auto verifying socially login users.
- Fixed: Resent email with Elementor, issue resolved.
Improved: Some code improvement done.
= 3.4.1
Compatible with WordPress 5.2.1.
Compatible with WooCommerce 3.6.4.
= 3.4.0
Fixed: Vulnerability resolved for admin settings. Thank you Brad Griffin for bringing it to our attention.
= 3.3.0
Added: Compatible with WordPress 5.0 and 5.1.
- Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.5.
Fixed: Security fix with login.
= 3.2.0
Security update: Prohibited direct access.
- Added: htaccess file to block access in supportive xl folders inside uploads.
- Added: New filter option has been added for filtering the verified and unverified users from users listing screen.
- Changed: Default email subject and email heading, added display_name to them to avoid mail going into spam.
- Fixed: Changed notice 'Resend Confirmation Email' to 'Your email is already verified' if a user is verified in other window and clicks on 'Resend Confirmation Eamil' link again.
Added: Provided new merge tag {{xlwuev_display_name}} to add in email subject to avoid spam mail.
= 3.1.15
Fixed: Session issue.
Added: Verification link text merge tag added for showing the verification link text.
= 3.1.14
Fixed: Auth cookie issue has been resolved after order when user has not verified its email.
Fixed: Verification notice issue has been resolved.
= 3.1.13
Fixed: Huge gap issue in the verification email has been resolved for the Woocommerce native Email Header option
Added: A link to un-verify a user
= 3.1.12
Added: Compatibility for the verification check on forcefully login the user by setting the auth cookie is added.
- Added: wp_mail() is replaced by WooCommerce Mailer for sending verification emails.
Added: New option for showing error messages on custom page is added in plugin settings screen.
= 3.1.11
Fixed: Issue for adding values for the columns added in the user listing screen by other plugins has been resolved.
= 3.1.10
Fixed: Headers already sent issue on bulk verification tab.
= 3.1.9
Added: Textarea added for verification link text in plugin settings screen.
= 3.1.8
Fixed: Notice on Preview Email settings tabs under WooCommerce settings has been fixed.
- Fixed: Email Deliverability has been improved.
Added: Support for custom WooCommerce forms.
= 3.1.7
Fixed: Resend Confirmation Email issue has been fixed.
= 3.1.6
Fixed: Notice issue has been fixed when unverified user tries to login.
Added: New option added to allow user to automatically logged into the My-Account after successful email verification.
= 3.1.5
Fixed: Old shortcode of email verification link can now be used in native WooCommerce native email template.
- Added: 'xlwuev_modify_before_email' filter added for modifying the email content before sending the verification email when custom header footer option is selected.
- Added: 'xlwuev_trigger_after_email' action added after the verification email is sent.
Added: 'xlwuev_on_email_verification' action added after the customer verifies the email.
= 3.1.4
Fixed: Apostrophe saving issue in email subject has been fixed.
Fixed: My-Account Redirect issue from WooCommerce order pay page has been fixed.
= 3.1.3
Fixed: Verification link has been corrected when user has saved the native WooCommerce Welcome Email option from plugin setting screen.
- Added: Doctype & HTML body added in email to reduce the email delivery time.
Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.4
= 3.1.2
Fixed: Test Email plugin setting is now fixed.
= 3.1.1
Fixed: PHP 7 compatibility issue while saving the plugin settings.
= 3.1.0
Added: Wordpress compatibility upto version 4.9
- Modified: Changed the plugin settings into tabular UI.
- Added: Provided the option for Custom email body or WooCommerce email header, footer and styling.
- Added: Provided the option for restricting the user to login if email is not verified.
- Added: Provided the option for verification success page.
- Added: Provided the option for styling the email body with WYSIWYG editor.
- Added: Provided merge tags as {{xlwuev_user_login}} {{xlwuev_user_email}} {{xlwuev_user_verification_link}} {{xlwuev_resend_link}} {{xlwuev_site_login_link}} {{sitename}} {{sitename_with_link}}
- Added: Provided the options for showing custom messages to customers.
Added: The plugin now supports WPML Compatibility.
= 3.0.2
Fixed: Session issues in the notification messages (issue found against WC Vendor plugin)
- Added: In WordPress dashboard, a notification is displayed after manual user verification.
- Added: Email verification feature added on the Checkout page. A notification displayed in checkout page after verification email sent.
- Removed: In WordPress dashboard, plugin menu is removed and shifted under xlplugin menu.
- Fixed: XlPlugins's take over notice was not getting dismissed, link was going to wrong path.
- Added: New metabox added for the Message to show when a user has verified the email account ( Success Message ) and Message to show when a user has not verified email account ( Error Message ).
- Added: New metabox added to test sending emails.
- Added: New user listing column added to send a verification email to users.
Adding Bulk Verification from admin
Adding Manual Verify user from admin
- remove styling issue
- remove Resend Bug
- this is first version of plugin
- List versions from most recent at the top to oldest at the bottom.