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WooCommerce iDEAL Gateway

开发者 WardPieters
更新时间 2019年3月12日 03:52
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce ecommerce payment gateway shopping stripe webshop ideal ideal betalen ideal gateway


1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 2.5 2.6


Payment gateway for WooCommerce that allows iDEAL via Stripe Current features


Requirements The WooCommerce iDEAL Gateway plugin extends WooCommerce with the iDEAL payment method. To offer the iDEAL payment method to the vistors of your WordPress website you also require WooCommerce to be installed. Setting up a webhook To correctly setup a webhook you have to go to your Stripe Dashboard > API > Webhooks, make sure you are not in test mode. Then you click on 'Add Endpoint', in the field 'URL to be called' you fill in the URL stated in the settings of the plugin. After that you click on 'Select types to send' and mark 'source.chargeable' (to find it very fast, just do CTRL+F). For test mode you are going to de exactly the same, so you could receive payments when in test mode. If you need help setting this up, please look in the Support section of the FAQ.


  • Checkout
  • Settings
  • iDEAL enviroment
  • Successful order
  • Failed order


2.6 Added the functionality to change the transaction fee and fixed the init_transactional_emails hook 2.5 Added Moneyou and the functionality to be redirected to Stripe without choosing a bank 2.4 Added feature to show order failed page when redirected back to your shop 2.3.2 Wrong order amount in Stripe Dashboard fixed. Added Swedish language (niklaswallerstedt, jyourstone) 2.3 Important update: checkout errors fixed. See changelog for further changes 2.2 Added 'Choose your bank' to dropdown on checkout page. Errors e.g. 'Please choose your bank and try again' are now visibile to the end users. Order notes are changed 2.0 Notice: When upgrading to this version you have to create a webhook! Read here how to set it up before using it. 1.3 Fixed security issue with Stripe source manipulation. Added suport for order descriptions which are visibile in your Stripe Dashboard 1.1 Securityfixes



If you have any problem with this plugin don't hesitate to open a topic over here or contact me at I will reply as soon as possible.

Why won't the money go directly to my bank account?

According to iDEAL's requirements, the money can only go to business accounts. PSPs (Payment Service Providers) who offer C2C (Customer-to-Customer) payments must first hold the money. Stripe is a PSP and holds your money first in a German bank account. Depending on your payout settings, the money will be transferred to you daily/weekly/monthly, but the money you earn today will not be transferred in less than 5 business days. Stripe works with a German payment provider and therefore the money goes to a German bank account, but customers will see your companies' name on their bank statement. If you make a refund from the Stripe dashboard, people will see your companies' name on their bank statements.

Why are my customers getting two mails short after each other?

When a customer places an order, the order is put on-hold until WooCommerce receives a webhook event or by checking when a customer is being redirected to the webshop. So the first mail they get is from the order being put on-hold and the second one is from the order status being updated to either failed or processing. If you want to disable this, you can simply disable on-hold mails in the WooCommerce mail settings.

What does my error code mean?

  • 001: The provided Stripe source does not equal the source of the order
  • 002: The Stripe source is not chargeable at this time
  • 003: The Stripe source is not paid


2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3.2 2.3.1 Translation problems fixed 2.3 2.2 2.0 Biggest update so far, completely redesigned from scratch! 1.3 1.1 1.0